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Resurrections and Judgments
Resurrections and Judgments

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:2. Main harvest - [[Rapture]]
:2. Main harvest - [[Rapture]]

:3. Gleanings - Post tribulation saints
:3. Gleanings - [[Post tribulation saints]]

Latest revision as of 23:49, 2 April 2024

Resurrections and Judgments

Revelation 20: 1-15


1 Corinthians 5:20-23.

A. The first resurrection is in three parts.

1. First fruits -Christ is the first fruits of the resurrection.
2. Main harvest - Rapture
3. Gleanings - Post tribulation saints

B. The main harvest is when Christ comes in the air for His people, 1 Thessalonians 4.16-17.

1. The resurection of the just, Luke 14: 14.
2. Paul's desire to "attain unto the resurrection of the dead.", Phi1.3:11.
3. If there was only one, Paul would have not had to seek to atain it.
This verse really reads "resurrection out from among the dead."
4. Where the resurrection of the saved is spoken of, in the Greek
it is always preceded by the preposition "ek" out.

C. John told us of the "first resurrection." Revelation 20,0-6

1. He speaks of the "rest of the dead".
These did not come forth until after the others
had been raised one thousand years before.
2. Those in the first resurrection live and reign with Christ one thousand years.
3. The wicked dead come forth at the end of this one thousand years.

D. The resurrection of the wicked is spoken of

as a resurrection unto judgment, John 5:29; Daniel 12:2.

1. We are not told many things about this resurrection,
yet we know they will have bodies, Mark 9:43-47.
2. They are to be judged according to their works
and cast into the lake of fire, Revelation 20.7-15.


A. There is a judgment for believers, I Cor.3: 11-15; II Cor.5: 10.

1. It is a judgment of works to test the faithfulness of believers.
2. It is a judgment to determine the rewards received.

B. There is a judgment of the unbeliever, Revelation 20.11-15.

1. It is called the "White Throne Judgment."
2. It is a throne of eternal justice.
a. It is no human court, Revelation 20.12; Rom.3:19.
b. Here records are examined, Revelation 20.12; Dan.7:10.
c. Here eternal destiny is settled.
Hell is the eternal place of the unsaved, Revelation 20.15
3. The unsaved will have an eternal punishment.
4. Condemnation already passed, John 3.17-18
5. At the White Throne the final sentence will be passed, Matthew 7.21 23.

C. Those who are already condemned can have this condemnation removed

by trusting Christ, John 5.24

"Verily, verily ,I say unto you, He that heareth my word,
and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life,
and shall not come into condemnation,
but is passed from death unto life.

God's Judgment Day

The Great White throne is set.

The judge is seated.

Angels and Archangels are in attendance.

All Heaven assembles.

Unnumbered millions in breathless wonder survey the fearful scene.

Time's final drama is to be enacted.

Nothing else matters now.

Everything of a secondary nature is forgotten.

This is Almighty God's judgment day.

Now the dead appear, sinners great and small, from every nation,

every race. murders, sorcerers, liars, thieves, adulterers,

drunkards, extortioners, infidels, atheists, criminals,

along with those who just forgot God.

From the world's greatest battlefields they come,

from ocean depths where ships sunk long ago.

From graveyards, long since forgotten.

What a company!

And they keep coming, millions of them to face God

before the White Throne.

They glance this way and that, looking for means of escape.

There is none.

It is the day of their doom.

"And the books w re opened." Every sinner is recorded,

every deed is written down.

Finally the Book of Life is brought,

Revelation 20.15

Only one thought:

Is my name written there

On the page white and fair,

In the Book of Thy Kingdom,

Is my name written there?

In vain they search in vain they scan its pages.

Their last chance is gone.

And oh what weeping and wailing,

As the lost were told of their fate;

They cried for the rocks and mountains;

They prayed, but their prayer came too late.

Revelation 20.11-15


A. No question about its certainty, Acts 17.30-31

B. Hebrews 9.27

C. God has made this appointment and will not let it be broken.


A. Not to assert in man's character, but to manifest it.

To classify men, in assign them their due punishment.

B. Sinner already condemned, here sentence executed, John 3.18


A. It will be a thorough judgment.

1. Nothing can escape the God with whom we have to do.
2. Ecclesiastes 12:14

B. It will be a righteous judgment

1. Genesis 18.25, "Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?"
2. "He will judge the world in righteousness."Acts 17.31
3. God will vindicate His own righteousness.

C. It will be an impartial judgment.

1. No favoritism will be shown.
2. Earthly position, class division, wealth, fame or honor
will avail nothing.
3. "For there is no difference" Romans 3.22

D. It will be a FINAL judgment.

1. There shall be no reprieve or appeal.
2. No second chance, no other opportunity.


A. The ground in man's attitude toward Christ.

Not morality or religion, nor works.

B. John 3.18 1 John 5.12. There is but one issue.

Did you accept Jesus as your Savior?


A. None other than Jesus Christ.

The Babe of Bethlehem's manger, the Boy of Galilee, the Man of Sorrows,
who once lived among men on this earth, John 5.22
22 For the Father judgeth no man,
but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:

Acts 10

42 And he commanded us to preach unto the people,
and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God
to be the Judge of quick and dead.

Acts 17

31 Because he hath appointed a day,
in the which he will judge the world in righteousness
by that man whom he hath ordained;
whereof he hath given assurance unto all men,
in that he hath raised him from the dead.

Will you meet Him in sin or grace

Meet the Savior face to face.

'Tis for you the question - when?

You must meet Him now or then.
