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Latest revision as of 02:10, 5 June 2024

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  • America's #1 Killer
  • Are We Becoming A Cannibal Society?
  • Baby Parts for Sale
  • Eating Babies in China?
  • Euthanasia
  • Even Abortion Backers Admit Roe vs. Wade Was a Terrible Decision
  • I Didn't Know You Were So Emotional
  • Physician Tells Why Abortion Is Murder, A
  • Real Picture of Abortion, The
  • Three Articles About Abortion
  • Why Abortion Is Morally Wrong


  • Alarming News About AIDS
  • It’s the Diseases, Stupid
  • Promoting "Safer" Russian Roulette
  • There Is No "Safe" Sex


  • About Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Alcohol Advertising and Youth
  • Alcoholic Scoreboard, The
  • Alcoholism - Is it a Disease?
  • Bible Teaches Total Abstinence, The
  • Drunkenness and the End of the Age
  • Evil of Drink, The
  • Grape Juice Study Debunks Wine's Health Claims
  • Madness of MADD, The
  • This Is Alcohol
  • We Need Prohibition
  • When the Liquor Dealer is a Prohibitionist


  • Angels
  • Angels, The


  • Anabaptist Pilgrim Church, The
  • Authority to Baptize, The
  • Baptism is Immersion
  • Baptism of Infants, The
  • Baptism of Jesus, The
  • Baptism of John, The
  • Baptist Position on Baptism, The
  • Baptized by One Spirit into One Body
  • Baptized in the Spirit
  • Blood Before Water
  • Book of Common Prayer and the Doctrine of Baptismal Regeneration, The
  • Confrimation: An Explanation, Defense and Refutation of the Rite
  • Did Ancient Baptists Refuse to Recognize Pedobaptist Societies as Scriptural?
  • Four Conditions For Scriptural Baptism, The
  • Fresh Look at Scriptural Baptism, A
  • Have You Received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost?
  • Infant Baptism
  • Infant Baptism is an Evil because it Contradicts Justification by Faith
  • Infant Baptism - Its History and Its Harm
  • Pædobaptists, The
  • Perpetuity of Baptism, The
  • Prebysterian Assembly's (1854) Decision Regarding Romish Baptisms and Ordinations, An
  • Proper Administrator, A
  • Relationship of Infant Baptism to Popery, The
  • Salvation Not In Baptism
  • Those Ignorant Baptists
  • True Nature of Baptism, The
  • Water Or Spirit Baptism? (1): Romans 6
  • Water Or Spirit Baptism? (2): I Corinthians 12:13
  • We Have No Right to Change the Ordinance of Baptism
  • What is the True Meaning of Baptism?
  • What Saves - Baptism or Jesus Christ?
  • Why Am I Not Baptized?
  • Why The Baptists Do Not Baptize Infants

Baptist Apostasy

  • Ashamed of the Name “Baptist”
  • Baptist Apostasy
  • Baptist Apostasy and the Church
  • Baptist Apostasy and the Ordinances
  • Compromise: A Dangerous Trend
  • Contemporary Worship Music Permeating Independent Baptist Churches
  • Express Care Church
  • Falling Away
  • First Convenient Baptist Church
  • Great River of Apostasy, The
  • How Far Has The Southern Baptist Gone?
  • In the Ways Our Father’s Trod
  • Is it Right to Judge, to Expose Error, and to Call Names?
  • Is The Old Wine Better?
  • Mugwup Baptists
  • Powerless Preaching
  • Should We Change?
  • Soft and Effeminate Christianity, A
  • Some Had Rather Run Than Fight, Part 1
  • Some Had Rather Run Than Fight, Part 2
  • State of the Baptist Witness
  • Why Do We Not Prosper?
  • Why I Cannot Join the Moral Majority

Baptist Bride

  • Baptist Bride-ism Is What?
  • Bible, The Baptists, and The Bride of Christ, The
  • Biblical Evidence for a Baptist Bride

Baptists - Origins, Distinctives

  • Are Baptists Really Independent?
  • Baptists and the Equality of Christ’s Disciples
  • Baptists and the Order of the Primitive Church
  • Baptist Christians
  • Baptists Exalt the Word of God Above Tradition
  • Baptist Faith and Practice
  • Baptist Peculiarities
  • Baptist Propositions
  • Baptist Succession
  • Baptist Succession or Stumble Period?
  • Baptist Name, The
  • Baptists Go Back A Long Way
  • C. H. Spurgeon on Perpetuity
  • Chart - Christ of the Bible versus Christ of the Roman Catholic Church
  • Dear Ann Landers- You’re Wrong!
  • Difference Between a Baptist Church and All Other Churches, The
  • Dinosaur Churches in Changing Times
  • Doctrinal Statement of the American Baptist Association (1905)
  • Historic Baptists
  • I Am Baptist - Not Calvinist Nor Arminian
  • Labourers Together With God
  • Name “Baptist”, The
  • Nature of Succession, The
  • Old Landmarkism
  • Origin of the Baptists,The (The entire book by S. H. Ford)
  • Reading The Bible Will Make You A Baptist
  • Spiritual Gifts of Primitive Baptists, The
  • Spurgeon’s View of Baptists
  • Those Anabaptists
  • Three Differentiating Baptist Marks
  • Three Great Foundation Principles
  • To My Baptist Brethren
  • True Baptists Can Trace Their Origins Back to the New Testament
  • Uncompromising Preacher, The
  • WANTED! True Independent New Testament Baptists
  • Was Saint Patrick A Baptist?
  • What Baptists Believe
  • What is Baptist Faith and Order?
  • What It Is and Is Not to Be an Old Landmark Baptist
  • What it Means to be a Baptist
  • What We Believe
  • When Did Baptists Arrive in Great Britain?
  • Who Are The Baptists?
  • Why Baptists Preach Doctrine
  • Who Says the Anabaptists Were Not Baptist?
  • Who They Are and What They Have Done
  • Why A Baptist?
  • Why I Am A Baptist
  • Why I'm A Baptist
  • Why Use The Name Baptist?

The Bible: King James, Perversions, Other Versions

  • Another Word on the New King James Version
  • Bible Butchers, The
  • Bible Versions: A Position Paper
  • Bible Version Dilemma
  • BJU's Active Campaign Against The 1611 KJV
  • Can You Trust Your Lexicon?
  • Correct Principle of Biblical Translation
  • Correction or Corruption?
  • Does The Authorized Version Contain Archaic Words?
  • Fly In the Ointment, A (The NIV translation committee)
  • How to Read Your King James Bible
  • ...If Any Man Shall Take Away From The Words of the Book…
  • Is a Pronominal Revision of the Authorized Version Desirable?
  • Is the KJV Just Another Translation?
  • King James Bible Prejudice
  • Making The King James Even Better
  • New Bible Versions Promote Catholic Doctrine
  • New Bible Versions Tested
  • New Bible With No "Thou Shalt Not's", A
  • New International Version
  • New King James Counterfeit, The
  • New Roman Catholic Bible
  • NIV Challenge, The
  • NIV Cover-up, An
  • NIV’s Preface, The
  • NIV Is Not God's Word, The
  • Position Paper on the Versions of the Bible, A
  • Should We Use the New King James Bible?
  • There is None Like It; Give It Me
  • Translations Trap, The
  • Use The Bible God Uses - The King James AV 1611
  • Warning: They Are Messing With Our KJV
  • Weaknesses of the Translation Explosion
  • Who Killed Goliath in Your Bible?

The Bible: Inerrant, Infallible

  • Baptists and the Bible
  • Bible is True, The
  • Because . . . You Asked For It!
  • Don't Alter the Word
  • Erasmus
  • Is God's Word The Final Authority?
  • Jonah’s Whale
  • Lincoln and Webster on the Bible
  • Mistakes God Did Not Make
  • Perfect Bible, A
  • Searching The Scriptures
  • Spurgeon On Infallibility
  • Ten Reasons Why I Believe the Bible Is the Word of God

The Bible: Inspiration - Preservation - Revelation

  • Battle over the Bible
  • Bible - Is It Divinely Inspired?, The
  • Bible, God's Unique Revelation, The
  • Book, the Blood, and the Blessed Hope, The
  • Can I Trust My Bible’s Inspiration?
  • Canon Came Before Catholic Councils
  • Cranmer Carried on Tyndale’s Work
  • Did Our Inspired Bible Expire?
  • God's Inspired Word
  • How We Got Our Bible
  • In The Originals
  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration - Written by the Hand of God
  • Inspiration and Translation
  • Inspiration of the God’s Word, The
  • Inspiration of the Scriptures, The
  • Is the Bible We Use Inspired of God?
  • Preservation and the King James Bible
  • Purity of the Bible, The
  • Short Account of the English Translation of the Bible, A
  • Two WORDS of God, The
  • Why I Believe in the Bible
  • Why We Know The Bible Is Inspired Of God
  • Word That Scares So Many Fundamentalists, The

The Bible: History, Miscellaneous Articles

  • Archaeology Helps Confirm the Bible
  • Authority of The Holy Scriptures, The
  • Baptist Book, The
  • Baptists and the Bible
  • Believer’s Estimate of the Bible, The
  • Bible, The
  • Bible and Baptist, The
  • Bible Has Had Many Enemies, The
  • Bible: Our Only Rule of Faith, The
  • Bible Translation and Circulation
  • Bible - What Is Its Authority?, The
  • Creed of the Alexandrian Cult, The
  • Critical Examination of Some of the Evidences Used in Defense of the Authorized Version , A
  • Different Families, But One Blood
  • Divine Unity of Holy Scripture, The
  • Excellency of the Bible, The
  • Five Bible Warnings
  • History of Preaching, The
  • How Readest Thou?
  • I Just Believe The Old Book
  • Infallible Standard, The
  • Jesus’ View of Scripture
  • King James I
  • Learned Men, The
  • Miles Coverdale
  • On Reading The Scriptures
  • Real Story of King James I, The
  • Scriptural Way, The
  • Scriptures: Prayerful Study of the Bible
  • Seriousness of Altering God's Words, The
  • Shocker! Bible Scholar Loses Voice on the John Ankerberg TV Show
  • Textual Criticism Fact and Fiction
  • Textual Position of Dean John William Burgon, The
  • Thee and Thou
  • Was King James a Homosexual?
  • William Tyndale: The Father of the English Bible
  • Why Some Cannot Understand The King James Version
  • Writings on the Scriptures

The Blood of Christ

  • Another Look At MacArthur And The Blood of Christ
  • Blood Trail, The
  • Blood of Christ - I Peter 1:18-19, The
  • Christ's Blood Cleanses from Sin
  • Christ’s Precious Blood
  • John MacArthur and the Blood of Christ
  • No Blood-No Remission!
  • Without Shedding of Blood, No Remission of Sin

Calvinism - Hyper-Calvinism - TULIP

  • Are Baptists Calvinists or Arminians?
  • Arminianism of Spurgeon, The
  • Balancing Truth: A Statement on Calvanism
  • Baptist Beliefs
  • Calvinism
  • Danger of Teaching that Christ Died Only for the Elect
  • Conscience - Proof of Moral Liberty
  • Foreordination
  • Predestination
  • What Spurgeon Believed About Election and Preaching the Gospel to Every Creature


  • Catholic Bible Replaces God's Word in Famous Tract
  • Catholic Mass - A Mystical Powerhouse
  • Catholic Persecution in Mexico
  • Catholics and the Bible
  • Catholics Do Worship the Virgin Mary
  • Dedication Page of the book 50 Years in the Church of Rome
  • Forbidden Books
  • How a Pope Gave Ireland to England
  • Inquisition in Canada?
  • Inquisition: Its Object, Proceedings and History, The
  • Is Catholicism Christian?
  • Jesuitical Oath for the Priesthood, The
  • List of Heresies, A
  • Mary Worship
  • Mother and Child Worship
  • Papal Heresy, The
  • Persecution in Quebec
  • Popery Opposed To The Bible
  • Popish Baptisms On The Sly
  • Relics Exposed
  • Relics and Saints
  • Vatican Condemns Literal Interpretation of the Bible
  • Visit of the Pope, The
  • Why Does the Roman Catholic Church Hate Anabaptists?
  • Why There is No Unity in Canada

Charismatic Movement

  • Charismatic Baptists Are Not Baptists
  • Charismatic Movement is Dangerous, The
  • Is Sickness Evidence of God’s Displeasure?
  • New Testament Gift of Tongues, The
  • Tongues, Glossolalia & Charismatic Renewal In Light Of The Bible

Christian Conduct and Living

  • Appropriate Apparel
  • Battle is the LORD’s, The
  • Biblical Fasting
  • Biblical Guidelines for Clothing
  • Bickering, Bashing, & Branding
  • Burial or Cremation? A Biblical Case FOR Burial and AGAINST Cremation
  • Challenge We Face, The
  • Christian Citizenship
  • Christian Cursing
  • Christian’s Resource in Affliction, The
  • Christian’s Stewardship, The
  • Christians - The Property of Christ
  • Cremation: What Does God Think?
  • Criticism: A Killer Amongst Us
  • Deceived Christian, The
  • Definition of a Christian
  • Divine Directions as to Prayer
  • Dress Codes For The World Vs. Dress Codes For The Church
  • Dresses vs. Pants
  • Duties of Church Members to Their Pastors
  • Duties Owing a Pastor
  • Duty of Delighting in the Will and Works of God
  • Duty to Love God
  • Essential Priesthood of All True Christians, The
  • Faith Is Stronger Than Reason
  • Faithful in Little Things
  • Faithfulness Means Being “On Time”
  • Female Piety: Its Characteristics and Influence
  • Fishing Parable, A
  • Forgive & Forget or Rebuke & Remember?
  • Forsake Not the Assembly
  • God Drew The Line - Male/Female
  • God’s Finance Plan
  • God's Stairway to Spiritual Maturity
  • God’s View of the Word “Love”
  • Good Works
  • Grace of God and a Holy Life, The
  • Habit of Thankfulness, The
  • Hope Doesn’t Disappoint
  • If Methodists Asked Them, Why Not Me?
  • Letter from Parson Jones, A
  • The Lord’s Day
  • Master’s Test, The
  • Men’s Apparel?
  • Modesty
  • My Son Wants An Earring
  • New Testament Puts Its Sanction on the Tithe, The
  • Notable Woman, A
  • On Amusements
  • On Purification
  • Pants-Suits and Christian Women
  • Paradoxes in the Christian Life
  • Personal Faith Indispensable
  • Prayer and Bible Study
  • Private Offences: Three Steps in the Settlement of Private Difficulties, Part 1 of 3
  • Private Offences: Three Steps in the Settlement of Private Difficulties, Part 2 of 3
  • Private Offences: Three Steps in the Settlement of Private Difficulties, Part 3 of 3
  • Releasing Control of Anxiety
  • Responsibility of Young Men, The
  • Revival
  • She Maketh Herself Coverings
  • Sin Of Nakedness, The
  • Smitten Rock, The
  • Soldier in the Army of God, A
  • Tithing: Established by Law
  • To Tattoo or Not To Tattoo, Parts 1 & 2
  • To Tattoo or Not To Tattoo, Parts 3 & 4
  • To Tattoo or Not To Tattoo, Parts 5 & 6
  • To Tattoo or Not To Tattoo, Parts 7 & 8
  • Trap of Compromise, The
  • Trust in God
  • Universal Obligation of Christ’s Disciples to Labor Personally for Him, The
  • Ye Are Not Your Own

The Church

  • Baptist Church Government
  • Baptist Church is a Gospel Church, The
  • Baptized By One Spirit Into One Body
  • Christ's Church
  • Christ’s Last Commission to His Disciples
  • Christ’s True Church
  • Christian Ministry, The
  • Church Action is Final
  • Church Constitution is Derived from the Scriptures, The
  • Church Government
  • Church of Laodicea, The
  • Church Succession, Perpetuity, and Continuity

  • Difference Between Church and Kingdom, The
  • Ecclesia: Church or Assembly?
  • Ecclesia - The Church
  • Ecclesia of Christ, The
  • Ekklasia: "Church", "Assembly" or "Congregation"?
  • "Heart Disease" and "The Body of Christ"
  • Heresy of the Universal Church, The
  • In Search of the Lord’s True Church
  • Independency of the Local Church,The
  • Independent Churches Shoulder Their Responsibility
  • Labourers Together With God
  • Local Church and Fundamentalism, The
  • Local Church of the New Testament, The
  • Local Church vs. The Universal Church, The
  • Lord on the Outside, The
  • Mark of a Divine Model, A
  • Mission of the Church, The
  • Nature of the Church, The
  • Nature of Succession, The
  • Need For A Mother-Church, The
  • Oops! There Goes the Local Church
  • Origin of the Church, The
  • Principles and Practices of Baptist Churches
  • Promises to the Church of Philidelphia
  • Questions From a Local-Church-Only-Ite
  • Reformation And Baptist Compromise, The
  • Republican Backwards
  • Scriptural Church, The
  • Spiritual Membership, A
  • Spiritual Democracy
  • Twelve Hard Nuts For Universal Church Proponents
  • Universal Body Equals Universal Church
  • Universal Church Heresy, The
  • Universal Church Theory, The
  • Universal Invisible Church Fallacy, The
  • Universal Invisible Church Versus The Local New Testament Church, The
  • Visible - Not Invisible
  • What Makes a Baptist Church an Independent Baptist Church?
  • What Makes a Church a New Testament Baptist Church?
  • When Did Christ Build His Church?
  • When Did the Church Start?
  • Who are Unaffiliated Baptists?
  • Why 1 Corinthians 12 Does Not Refer to the Church Universal
  • Would the REAL Baptist Churches Please Stand Up?
  • Your Place In His Church

  • Church Conduct
  • Arriving Late for Church Services: A Common Evil Reproved
  • Character of Genuine Revivals, The
  • Church Etiquette
  • Church: Its Discipline, The
  • Church Letter, The
  • Church’s Witness, The
  • Churches in Need of Eyesalve
  • Churches of the New Testament Received, Excluded and Restored Members
  • Churches Should Labor Incessantly
  • Contending for the Ancient Faith
  • "Cotton Candy" Religion
  • Discipline in the Local Church
  • Discipline of the Primitive Churches, The
  • Duties Church Members Owe the World
  • Duties of Church Members Towards Each Other, The (Part 1 of 3)
  • Duties of Church Members Towards Each Other, The (Part 2 of 3)
  • Entertainment In Today's Churches
  • Epistle Dedicatory, The
  • Feeding Sheep or Amusing Goats?
  • Forsake Not the Assembly
  • Giving That Which You Don’t Have
  • Grand Desideratum of the Church: The Powerful Presence of the Spirit
  • Hand Clapping in Worship Services
  • How to Kill a Church
  • Hypocrites in the Church
  • Ideal Church Member, The
  • In Perils of Worldly Churches
  • It Works!
  • Public Offences or Church Discipline
  • Sabbath & The Christian, The
  • Seven Reasons To Avoid False Doctrine
  • Sin in the Church and What to do About It
  • Some Good Rules Regarding Church Attendance
  • Ten Ways To Help Your Pastor, Your Church, and Yourself
  • There’s No Excuse (Church Attendance)
  • Why Aren’t Baptist Churches Thriving?
  • Why Attend Church Regularly?
  • Woman’s Work in Baptist Churches

Church History - Baptist History

  • Address to Southern Baptist Slaveholders, An
  • Albigenses, The
  • America, You Owe the Baptists a Lot
  • Anabaptists, The
  • Anabaptists of the 16th Century, The
  • Baptist Churches Alone Find Their Beginning with Christ
  • Baptist Contributions to Religious Liberty in America
  • Baptist History: 16th Century Switzerland
  • Baptist Perpetuity
  • Baptist Principles and History
  • Baptists and Religious Liberty in United States
  • Baptists and the Rewriting of History
  • Baptists in America
  • Communism Was Not the Social Theory of the Primitive Church
  • Did You Know?: Historical Facts About the Baptists
  • Donatists, The
  • Early Baptists Required Faithful Church Attendance
  • Early Christian Sects, The
  • Early English Baptists, The
  • Faith of the Ancient Church, The
  • Fasting by the English Baptists in the 17th Century
  • Gnostic Corruption in the 4th Century
  • “Great Plague” Preachers, The
  • History and Belief in Inspiration
  • How the “Fathers” of New England Baptists Regarded Pedobaptists
  • Hymnology
  • In Defense of Biblical, Historical Christianity
  • Invincible Armada of Spain, The
  • Judgments on the Anabaptists
  • Lutherans Become Baptists
  • North America Owes its Religious Freedom to the Baptists
  • Novatians or Novatianists
  • "O Canada" and Poetic Judges
  • Origin of the Baptists
  • Origins of the Church, The
  • Our Forefathers - We Owe Them
  • Paterines, The
  • Primitive Churches, The
  • Public and Private Life of Ancient Baptists, The
  • Quebec Act of 1774, The
  • Religious Liberty
  • Religious and Political Liberty
  • Some Interesting Quotes
  • Spurgeon’s View of Baptists
  • Story of the Waldenses, A
  • Tabernacle of the Hebrews, The
  • Testimony Of Alexander Campbell as to the History of Baptist Churches, The
  • Testimony of Great Men and Women, The
  • Three Great Foundation Principles
  • Trail of Blood, The (The entire booklet by J. M. Carrol)
  • Waldenses and Their Contemporaries, The
  • Welsh Baptists, The
  • What the Southern Baptist Believed Concerning the Bible in 1914

Church Offices - Pastors, Preachers, Deacons, Elders

  • Call to the Christian Ministry, The
  • Casanova Clergymen
  • Christian Ministry, The
  • Church: Its Ordination of Officers, The
  • Deacons: The Baptists’ Sacred Cow
  • Design of God in Afflicting Ministers of the Gospel, The
  • Devoted Pastor, The
  • Duty of a Pastor to His People, The
  • Flattering Titles
  • Four “I’s” for the Preacher
  • God Sets the Qualifications of His Men
  • Man of God, The
  • Ministerial Gifts To Be Sought Out and Encouraged
  • Ministry, The
  • Must We Continue to Repeat the Mistakes of the Past?
  • Object of the Christian Ministry, The
  • Ordination: A Protestant Stronghold Among Baptist Churches
  • Pastor, The
  • Pastor: An Educator, The
  • Pastor: His Qualifications, The
  • Paul’s Instructions to the Churches Regarding Teachers
  • Preacher, Please Shut Up!
  • Preacher, Rule According to the Scriptures
  • Problem of the Empty Pulpit, The
  • Seamless Pastorate, The
  • Sir, We Would See Jesus
  • Standing for Sound Doctrine
  • Taskmaster or Overseer?
  • Test of Character, The
  • Three Deadly Pitfalls for Pastors
  • Value of a Minister’s Work: An Argument for His Support, The
  • Wanted: Builders of New Testament Baptist Churches
  • Watchmen, What of the Night?
  • We Need Some Strong Preaching
  • What Kind of Pastor Do You Want Next?
  • Why We Cannot Ordain Women

Church Ordinances

  • See section “Baptism” above
  • The Lord's Supper - The Lord’s Table - Communion
  • Baptist Position on the Lord's Supper, The
  • Case For Closed Communion, A
  • Communion: Open? Close? Closed?
  • Closed communion
  • Closed Communion: The Baptist Position Stated and Defined
  • Closed Communion: What We Believe
  • Doctrine of the Lord’s Supper, The
  • Four Facts Showing the Lord’s Supper is a Local Church Function
  • Great Wine Debate-or-Should Wine Be Used for the Lord’s Supper?, The
  • Lord’s Supper, The
  • Lord’s Supper: A Church Ordinance, The
  • Lord’s Supper: A Local Church Ordinance, The

Creation - Evolution

  • Gap Theory
  • All Created Things Are So Under God’s Control
  • Atheism: The Enemy of Civilization
  • Can Biblical Creation and Evolution be Reconciled?
  • Carbon-14 and Genesis, Chapters 6 - 9
  • Challenge to Evolution
  • Darwinian Racism
  • Designed Universe, A
  • Doubing Darwin Because of Darwin’s Doubt
  • Eugenics and Darwin
  • Foolish Pagans Mocking
  • Fossilized Human Tooth Found at Glen Rose, Texas
  • Give Creationism, Evolution Equal Time
  • If Your Kids Go Ape in School
  • Man's Vain Explanations
  • Marvel of Man’s Body Proves God’s Workmanship, The
  • People Pay Big Money to Be Told They’re Evolved Pond Scum
  • Theistic Evolution: Some Theological Implications
  • Theory of Evolution, The
  • Was Your Grandmother an Ape?
  • What Does The Bible Say about Life on Other Planets?
  • Why I Believe in God

Cults - False Religions - False Doctrines

  • 3 Lies That American Indians have Been Told
  • Anti-Christian Unscientific Cult, The
  • Are Mormons Christians?
  • Babylonian Religion
  • Basic Facts about Islam: Past, Present and Future
  • Church of Christ Scientist, The
  • Criticism of Progressive Theology, A
  • Devout Practices
  • Errors of Mormonism, The
  • Every Non-Muslim is a Kafir
  • Facts Jehovah’s Witnesses WILL NOT TELL YOU When Calling at Your Door
  • False Religion of Islam, The
  • “Giving My Life to Jesus” and “Inviting Jesus Into My Heart”
  • Importance of Definitions in Dealing with Mormons, The
  • Islam’s Doctrine of Abrogation
  • Islam’s Law of Dhimmi
  • Jehovah Witnesses: Inconsistent in Translating, The
  • Jehovah’s Witnesses or Satan’s Salesmen?
  • Promise Keepers vs. Biblical Salvation
  • Prophecies of the Watchtower Society of Jehovah’s Witnesses
  • Psychology and End Times Mysticism
  • Scientology
  • Seventh Day Adventist Error
  • Seventh Day Adventists - Who Are They?
  • Source of False Religion, The
  • Strange Gods and Their Worship
  • Ten Reasons To Beware of Promise Keepers
  • Ten Reasons Why Not To Be A Mormon (Latter-Day Saint)
  • Those Dangerous Mormon Teachers
  • Truth About Jihad and the Taliban, The
  • What About Freemasonry?
  • What Do the Moonies (Unification Church) Teach?
  • What Do They Believe?
  • What is Jihad in the Qur’an?
  • What the Latter Day Saints Believe
  • Where Christian Science Leads
  • Who are the Believers Followed by Signs in Mark 16?
  • Why I Am A Baptist And Not a Seventh Day Adventist
  • World Church by the Year 2000?, A


  • Amillennial View of Eschatology, The
  • Amillennialism: Refuted By the Word of God
  • Are You Ready For His Coming?
  • Beginning of Sorrows, The
  • Biblical Evidence for a 7-Year Tribulation
  • Death and Resurrection
  • Doctrine of Amillennialism in Light of the Scriptures, The
  • Future of the Believer, The
  • How Soon Will the Rapture Take Place?
  • Is the Advent Pre-Millennial?
  • Is There a Red Heifer in Israel?
  • Last Judgment, The
  • Millenarianism
  • Millennial Reign and the doctrines Of Men, The
  • Open Letter to an Amillennialist, An
  • Postmillenial View of Eschatology, The
  • Premillennial or Amillennial?: An Introductory Study
  • Premillennial View of Eschatology, The
  • Premillennialism Defined
  • Preterism & Biblical Prophecy
  • Prophecy and Fulfillment
  • Rise and Fall of Amillennialism, The
  • Second Coming Testified to by Writers in All Ages, The
  • Survey of Future Events in Prophecy, A
  • Three Comings of Christ, The
  • Will His Coming be Premillennial or Postmillennial?

Family Issues

  • ABC's of Raising Children
  • After Marriage
  • Bible- God’s Child-raising Manual, The
  • Biblical View of In Vitro Fertilization, The
  • Birth Control and the Christian
  • Dignity of Mothers, The
  • Divorce: Big Cultural Issue
  • Divorce: Info
  • Early Religious Impressions the Appropriate Work of Mothers
  • Family Government
  • Getting Married from the Wife’s Standpoint
  • God's Original Design for the Family
  • Harmony at Home
  • High School Commentary
  • Hint to Parents, A
  • How to be a Stupid Parent
  • Let Every Mother Look to the Christian Education of Her Own Children
  • Marriage Considered from the Husband’s Standpoint
  • Maternal Piety
  • Mother’s Charge, The
  • Mother’s Privilege, A
  • On The Mother’s Difficulties
  • Parental Obligations
  • Relationship of a Husband and Wife
  • Scarlet Sin, the Bible and You, The
  • Teaching Our Children to be Thankful
  • Ten Rules for a Successful Marriage
  • Ten Rules for Raising Delinquent Children
  • Unequal Marriage, The
  • Ways to Encourage Your Child to do Drugs

God - The Godhead - The Father - Christ Jesus - The Holy Spirit

  • Art Collector, The
  • Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity, The
  • Business of Fear (of the LORD), The
  • Call for Pure Blood, The
  • Character of Jehovah’s Glory Applied to Jesus, The
  • Christ Crucified
  • Christ’s Advent in the Flesh
  • Christ's Suffering; A Study In Prophecy
  • Deity of Christ, The
  • Desire of All Nations, The
  • Divine Omniscience
  • Divinity of Christ, The
  • Evidence of Messiah’s Resurrection
  • Fifteen Reasons Why Jesus Came
  • God Is Infinitely Benevolent
  • God is Spirit
  • God’s Man of Salvation
  • God’s Omnipresence
  • Government of God, The
  • Great Chief's Act of Love, The
  • He Took My Whipping For Me
  • Holiness of God, The
  • Holy Ghost: A Divine Person
  • In Jesus' Name
  • Incarnation of the Eternal Word, The
  • Intercession of Christ, The
  • Jesus Christ and Him Crucified
  • Jesus Christ Received Religious Worship
  • Jesus Christ Was a Man
  • Jesus, the Founder and Head of the Church
  • Jesus’ Virgin Birth
  • LORD Is . . . , The
  • Lord Jesus Christ Fills the Pages of the Bible, The
  • Mediatorial Office of Christ, The
  • Mercy of God, The
  • Missionary Career of Jesus Christ, The
  • Names of Jesus, Whose Name Is Above Every Name, The
  • NOT SO Familiar Teachings of Jesus, The
  • Our Highest and Final Authority
  • Person of Jesus Christ, The
  • Personality of the Holy Spirit, The
  • Present Office of Jesus Christ, The
  • Preservation of the Infant Jesus, The
  • Qualifications of the Lord Jesus to Make an Atonement
  • Resurrection: Fact or Fallacy?
  • Resurrection of Jesus Proves Him to Be the Son of God
  • Riches and Poverty of Christ, The
  • Sacrifice of Christ, The
  • Tears of Jesus for the Impenitent, The
  • There Is But One God
  • Tri-Unity of God, The
  • Undiscernible God, The
  • Value of Christ’s Sacrifice, The
  • Virgin Birth of Christ, The
  • What Think Ye Of Christ?
  • Why Is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ So Important?
  • Will of God, The

Heaven - Hell - Lake of Fire - Eternal Judgment

  • A Voice from Hell
  • All Men Are Under the Just Condemnation of God
  • Best Is Yet To Come !, The
  • Doctrine of Heaven, The
  • Gehenna
  • Heaven and Hell
  • Hell of the Bible is not Annihilation, The
  • Necessity of the Sinner’s Destruction, The
  • Some Solemn Facts About Eternity
  • Truth About Hell, The
  • What is Hell?
  • Will We Recognize One Another in Heaven?

Heretics and False Prophets

  • Assimilation of Evangelist Billy Graham Into the Roman Catholic Church, The
  • Benny Hinn's New Book , The Blood
  • Billy Graham Does an About Face
  • Billy Graham’s Attitude to Sodomy
  • Billy Graham's Views On Hell
  • C. I. Scofield - The Rest of the Story
  • Coalition On Revival: Building a Christian Society
  • Faith Healers: Divine or Deceptive?
  • Godly Attitude Toward Heresy, A
  • Graham Associate Preaches Humanistic Gospel
  • How To Recognize False Prophets
  • Pat Robertson and Diamonds
  • Pat Robertson Supported by Coors Beer
  • Strange Case of Peter Ruckman, The

Heroes and Heroines of the Faith - Historical Figures

  • Alexander Mackenze, Canada’s Second Prime Minister, was a Baptist
  • Ambiguous Religion of Abraham Lincoln, The
  • Generational Blessings: Genealogical Case of Jonathan Edwards
  • Hansard Knollys
  • John Newton: Author of “Amazing Grace”
  • Joseph and Mary
  • Judson, The Scriptures Made Him a Baptist
  • Nearer My God To Thee!: The Story of Sarah Flower Adams’ Hymn
  • Patrick Henry
  • Patrick Henry on Religious Freedom
  • Polycarp and His Writings
  • Sir Isaac Newton’s Christian Faith
  • Thomas Jefferson and the Baptists
  • Wycliffe’s Work


  • Christmas and You
  • Christmas Poem That Tells It Like It Is, A
  • Christmas Still To Come
  • Easter
  • Good Friday?
  • Halloween: An Annual Peril
  • Halloween: Kid’s Treat or Pagan Trick?
  • In Defense of a Wednesday Crucifixion
  • Jesus Would Like These Shoes (Christmas)
  • Santa or Satan?
  • Santa, The Imposter
  • What About December 25th? Could Jesus Have Been Born On "Christmas" Day?

Humanism - Communism - Socialism

  • By The Numbers - Gun Control
  • Few Historical Facts about Gun Control, A
  • Humanism Defined
  • Humanism Is A Religion
  • Humanist Manifesto, The
  • Humanist Quote, A
  • Just Clouds Without Water
  • Results of Secular Humanism, The
  • Secular Humanism
  • Some Communist Quotes
  • Student’s Prayer, A
  • Top Ten Americans Who May Have Been Put On Ritalin
  • What Is Humanism?

John The Baptist

  • Birth of John the Baptist, The
  • Herod and John
  • If John The Baptist Came to Your Church
  • John The Baptist
  • John’s Imprisonment
  • John’s Preaching of Repentance
  • Prophecies and Expectations Regarding The Baptist
  • Who Was John The Baptist?

Missions and Evangelism

  • Adoniram Judson’s Parting Words
  • Adoniram Judson’s Rules of Life
  • Are the Heathen in a Perishing Condition?
  • Biblical Basis of Missions, The
  • Chitoura
  • Christ's Imperative
  • Church Sending and Mission Boards
  • Church’s Mission Work, The
  • Commision Was Given to the Church, The
  • Dear Reverend Paul
  • Hireling Missionaries: America, You Can Keep Them
  • Is a Local Church Missionary Biblical?
  • Missionaries, Get Back to the Bible
  • Missionary Furlough
  • Missionary or Mercenary?
  • Missionary Questionnaire, The
  • Missionary’s Disappointment, A
  • Need for a Sending Church, The
  • Open Door, The
  • Our Great Commission: A Great Responsibility
  • Out of the Mouth of the Dragon - (The Testimony of Sokvary Fort)
  • Perils of Missionary Service, The
  • Perseverance
  • Perspective on Missions, A
  • Publish Or Perish!
  • Scriptural Evangelism
  • Story of Baptist Missions: Baptists in France, The
  • Story of Baptist Missions: Germany, 1840, The
  • Untold Millions Still Untold
  • William Carey: Obeying the Christian Duty
  • Women and the Foreign Work

Modernism - Liberalism - Ecumenism

  • Are Jehovah and Allah the Same?
  • Attempts to Adapt Religious Ideas to Modern Culture and Modes of Thinking
  • Beware of the Modern Smooth Cross
  • Dangers of Liberation Theology, The
  • Ecumenical Baptists?
  • Ecumenism
  • House Divided, A
  • How Modernism Gets a Start
  • How the Bible Estimates Modernists and How Christians Should Treat Them
  • Modernism
  • Modernism Betrayed Me
  • Modernism - Liberalism
  • Modernists in the Theological World are Using the Speech of Ashdod
  • Mysticism - Monasticism and the New Evangelization
  • Some of Us Haven't Moved
  • What is Legalism?
  • You Are Wrong

New Age Movement - New Age Practices

  • Contemplative Spirituality
  • Contemplative Spirituality: Dancing with Demons
  • Does God Sanction Mystical Experienes?
  • Lectio Divina
  • Mystery of Iniquity, The
  • New Age’s Vain Dream, The
  • Reiki

Persecutions - Martyrs

  • Anabaptist Martyrs
  • Anabaptists Who Suffered for the Truth’s Sake
  • Anne Askew: Martyred in 1546
  • Arnold of Brescia
  • Balthazar Hubmeyer and His Wife
  • Baptist Martyrology
  • Church in the Desert, or Huguenot Heroes and Martyrs, The
  • Dissenters Hunted Down in London in the 17th Century
  • Eelken and Fye
  • Elizabeth: Martyred in 1549
  • English Baptists and Religious Liberty
  • Execution of Elizabeth Gaunt in 1685, The
  • Felix Mantz
  • Homosexuals in San Francisco Stage Riotous Protest
  • Inquisition: The Worst of the Persecutions, The
  • Jerome of Prague
  • Joan Boucher: Martyred in 1550
  • John Deswarte and Family: Martyred in Flanders in the 16th Century
  • Martyrdom of William Tilsworth, The
  • Martyred in Rotterdam: A Young Lady of Fourteen and Others
  • Matthias Servaes of Kottenem (1565 A.D)
  • Maximus: Stoned to Death at Ephesus in 255 A.D.
  • Mr. Painter: Persecuted for Truth in 1644
  • Persecuted Baptists in England in the 16th Century
  • Persecution by Edward VI
  • Persecution in the Valley of Piedmont, in the Seventeenth Century
  • Persecution of Benjamin Keach, The
  • Persecution of Daniel Defoe, Author of Robinson Crusoe
  • Persecution of Obadiah Holmes in America, The
  • Persecution of the Waldenses in France
  • Polycarp: Martyr of Smyrna
  • Richst Heynes: A Christian Woman Martyr in Europe in 1547
  • Second Century Persecutions
  • Some Martyred Heroes Of Our Faith
  • Story Of Tyndale, The
  • Tyndale’s New Testament
  • Waldensian Church of Northern Italy, The
  • Waldensian Martyrs
  • Weynken: A Widow Burnt to Death in The Hague
  • Who Was Hated?
  • Wife of John Bunyan, The

Salvation - Repentance - Eternal Security

  • Adoption
  • Appeal to the Unconverted, An
  • Are You A Good Person?
  • Atonement: A Transfer of Our Guilt to Jesus Christ, The
  • Believing in Vain
  • Blind Men at Jericho, The
  • Cheap Methods
  • Crucified Redeemer Preached at Corinth, The
  • Danger of Nominal Christianity, The
  • Doctrine of “Falling from Grace”, The
  • Dr. Law and Dr. Grace
  • Duty of Repentance, The
  • Eternal Security
  • Eternal Security of the Believer
  • Evidences of Salvation
  • Faith in Christ is the Duty of All Who Hear the Gospel
  • False Hope
  • Fatal Choice, A
  • Final State of Unbelievers, The
  • Finished Work of Christ, The
  • Frailty of Human Life, The
  • Free Agency of Man, The
  • God Promises All Believers ETERNAL Life
  • Good Works
  • How Can I Be Saved AND Be Sure?
  • How I Know I Am Going to Heaven
  • How to Obtain Peace of Mind
  • Illustration From Noah’s Life, An
  • Immortality of the Soul
  • Infants Automatically Safe
  • Joy in Heaven over One Repenting Sinner
  • The Law
  • Long Honoured Life the Reward of the Righteous, A
  • Man Needs a Saviour
  • Man’s Helplessness and God’s Compassion
  • Men Are Unable to Save Themselves
  • Necessity of Christ’s Death, The
  • New Birth, The
  • Outline of the Saved Sinner’s History, An
  • Power of Conscience, The
  • Redemption of Man Brings Glor of God, The
  • Repent! - Do You Laugh at This Word?
  • Repentance
  • Salvation Not In Baptism
  • Sanctification: An Act or a Process?
  • Soul Winning or Salesmanship?
  • Spurgeon’s Letter to an Unsaved Boy
  • Strange Case of George Wilson, The
  • Value of the Gospel, The
  • Vicarious Atonement and Obedience of Christ, The
  • What Happened to the Doctrine of Repentance?
  • Wise Decision, The

Satan - Satanism - The Devil - The Occult

*           Astrology: Do the Stars Run Lives or Ruin Them?
*           Bible & the Occult, The
*           Cunning Enemy, The
*           Devil’s Gospel, The
*           Does Satan Really Exist?
*           Druidism
*           Dungeons & Dragons
*           I Want Your Children
*           Satanic Games
*           Why Did God Create the Devil?


  • Appeal to the Public for Religious Liberty, An
  • Are Six Fundamentals Enough?
  • Bible Separation
  • Charles Spurgeon And Ecclesiastical Separation
  • Conventionism or Independency?
  • Cooperation Among Baptists
  • Current Pleas of Liberal “Baptists” Considered, The
  • Forbidden Alliance, The
  • Intercommunion is Unscriptural
  • Is One a Fanatic Who Lives Separated Unto the Lord?
  • Men’s Movements
  • Modern Day Balaams
  • Proper Grounds for Fellowship
  • Separation Applied
  • Unpopular Preaching
  • Why The Baptist Cannot Unionize


  • America and Canada Take Heed
  • Free Will
  • Gambling
  • God Firmly Against Unmarried Couples Living Together
  • Hatred of God, The
  • Is Gambling Entertainment or a Sin?
  • Is Gambling Harmless? (Don’t Bet on It)
  • Is Man Basically Good?
  • Is Sanity a Reality?
  • Lottery Fever
  • Original Sin
  • Overcoming Bitterness
  • Prince of Darkness Sends Out His Grand Tyrant - Sin, The
  • Selfishness of Man, The
  • Sin and Its Punishment
  • Sin of Bribery, The
  • Sin of Gambling, The
  • Sport of Kings or Prison of Fools?
  • Void Between Intent and Performance, The
  • Weighed and Found Wanting
  • What the Bible Says About Homosexuality

Television - Music - Media

  • America Forsaking God for T.H.E.M.M.
  • Biblical Philosophy of Christian Music, A
  • Christian Rock?
  • Great God “Entertainment”, The
  • Lethal Combination: TV, Sex and Violence, A
  • Mind Pollution
  • Music in Worship
  • Opponents of Pornography are Losing, The
  • Pornography Commission Report
  • Recipe for Disaster
  • Signs of the Times
  • What Is Christian Music?

Trends in Society

  • Babylon and America
  • Facts of the Faith for 2014.
  • Islamic Child Abuse Gets You Probation in Arizona
  • No Religion Allowed in the Government Schools?
  • No Separation of Mosque and State
  • Nudity Craze, The
  • Our Godly Heritage
  • Pedophilia on the Horizon
  • Presbyterian Mega Church Leaves Denomination
  • Sad State Of Education, The
  • School Abuses Provoke Public Backlash
  • Silent Witness, The - Sending Christian Children to Public School
  • Spirit Behind Anti-Semitism, The
  • Strategy in the Schools
  • Tragic Trends of Our Day I: Homosexuality
  • Tragic Trends of Our Day II: Immodesty & Immorality
  • Tragic Trends of Our Day III: The Destruction of the Family
  • Tragic Trends of Our Day IV: The Gambling Craze
  • What America Needs
  • What Are They Teaching in Public Schools?

World Events

  • Beast and Coming Union of all the World’s Religions, The
  • Big Lie of Palestinian Statehood, The
  • Coming One-World Religion, The
  • Coming World Church, The
  • Coming World Dictator or Antichrist, The
  • Coming World Government, The
  • Final Empire, The
  • Finishing the Job
  • Graham's Daughter on Sept 11/2001 Attack
  • Instant World Church, An
  • Israel and the Land
  • Israel’s Trouble
  • Islamic State of the Mahdi, The
  • Long History of Terrorism, A
  • Peace Process, The
  • Religious Persecution: A Worldwide Tragedy
  • Setting for the War of Psalm 83, The
  • Standing on the Threshold
  • World in Chaos, A
