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(Created page with "[ This needs OCR cleanup] WINNING FAITH Text: Hebrews 11.32 Introduction: I A. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evid nee of things not seen; Hebrews 11:1. B. Fait is taking God at His word, claiming His protes and launching out at His command. I. y faith Abraham went out not knowing where he ould go. 2. ~y faith Peter took his boat out and let down the nets, ~ uke 5:4-7. C. Tod· y, we will learn a...")
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[ by O H Griffith]

Text: [[Hebrews 11]].32
Text: [[Hebrews 11]].32

Latest revision as of 22:20, 28 June 2024

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by O H Griffith

Text: Hebrews 11.32

Introduction: I

A. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evid nee of things not seen; Hebrews 11:1.

B. Fait is taking God at His word, claiming His protes and launching out at His command.

I. y faith Abraham went out not knowing where he ould go.

2. ~y faith Peter took his boat out and let down the nets, ~ uke 5:4-7.

C. Tod· y, we will learn about a faith that wins, Judges 4 d 5.


A. Act"ally very little is known about Barak.

1. He was the son of Abinoam, Judges 4:6.

2. ~o mention is made of a brother or sister.

3. e seems to have been somewhat shy and reserved.

B. But his faith was remarkable.

1. e was called to fight a formidable foe.

2. fl'he enemy had nine hundred chariots of iron, Judges ..1~13.C. B~J~~ could muster only 10,000 poorly-equipped inf trymen, Judges 4:10.

1. here seems not to have been a shield or a spear ong 40,000 in all Israel, Judges 5:8. ut Barak and his men had all they needed: God's assurance of victory.

3. Compare with Judges 7:20; it seems that only Gideon had a sword.

D. Th t army is best equipped that has God for their leader. n. ENCO~RAGED BY DEBORAH.

A. De rah was a prophetess, Judges 4:4.

B. G called her to deliver His message to Barak. Noe:

1. Deborah could not lead the army, but she couJd inspire the men.

2. Barak could not prophesy, but he could lead the army.

3. Deborah and Barak complimented each other.



C. Thus we I that God has a place for all who enter His s rvice by faith.

1. All cann t pastor the church, or do any number of many ot .er tasks.

2. But eac can do all that God calls him to do.

3. Each do his job better than any other.

D. With Debo 's encouragement, Barak:

1. Called aphtali and Zebulun to fight the enemy.

2. The ar assembled in Mt. Tabor. From this vantage point:

a. Bar could avail himself of the hills and the w for protection from Sisera's chariots.

b. He ould thus harass the enemy without exposing elf to being run down by the chariots.

3. At the roper time, Deborah, God's mouthpiece, said to Bar :

a. "Up for this is the day in which the Lord hath deli ered Sisera into thine hand," Judges 4:14.

b. Fur her, "Is not the Lord gone out before thee?"

4. The f g was important. We must not run ahead of the Lor as did Abraham and Sarah, nor delay when He calls as did Jonah.

E. Whythe t' e was important. The Lord was fighting for Israel, udges 5:4,5,21.

F. When G fights for His people, they must be willing to:

1. . Exercis faith in Him,

2. Obey s commands, and

3. Use th wisdom with which God has endowed them. m. BARAK'S sue ESS.

A. Observe te principal characters in this drama.

1. On the ide of the enemy:

a. Ja in, king of Canaan, Judges 4:2;

b. Sis ra, captain of the armies of Canaan, and his nin hundred chariots of iron, Judges 4:2,3.

2. On the ide of Israel:

a. De orah, a prophetess of the Lord, who judged Isr el, Judges 4:4;

b. Bak, who led the army, Judges 4:8; and

c. Ja I, a housewife, who slew Sisera with a tent pe , Judges 4:21.

B. But tlile real power for success was God, Judges 4:23.

C. FolIo ing this encounter, "The land had rest forty years, Judges 5:31.


A. Those who exercise real faith in the real God can know His will.

B. With aith in God, one may enjoy victory over a vastl superior enemy.

1. W lthout God of what value are 900 chariots of iron?

2. W th God, His servant can win without shield or s lord. Compare:

a. Gideon, Judges 7:20,21;

b. Barak, Judges 4,5;

c. Shamgar, Judges 3:31;

d. Samson, Judges 15:15,16.

C. God'speople may appear to be losers to the world, but all who exercise faith in God ultimately win.

D. God ~;xpects us to trust Him and use what He has plac I in our hands. Witness Moses, Exodus 4:2.
