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Latest revision as of 17:05, 6 September 2024

, MOSES' SERVANT Text: Joshua 1:1-9 I Intro: This message is bout a servant of the Lord and a servant of Moses. God chose Mos s as the leader of His people. Leaders must depend upon a faithful d servant heart people. Those who served with Moses were to foll w him and help him. As we look at the !life of Joshua, you will ind that he was a servant. Good following servants make good le ers. If you find it hard to follow, you will not be a very good lead r. Lets notice the character, consecration, i conduct, and courage 0 Joshua. I. THE CHARACTE OF JOSHUA A. He was a serva t. 1. Joshua is re rred to as Moses' minister. Joshua was always right here helping Moses the Lord's leader. 2. We never fi d where he is arguing or defying Moses. He was a he per and a lifter up. 3. He took car of things for Moses. Moses could instruct him and he ould receive the instructions. B. He was strong. 1. It takes a lot of strength to be a servant. You have to love the Lor and love the leader of the Lord's people. 2. A lot of peo le are more interested in getting their way than in follo ing and helping their leader. 3. It would tak even more strength to become the leader. When a serv nt is faithful to his leader, he will become a faithful le der. C. He was spiritu l. 1. Paul wrote t the Corinthians and said he could not address the as spiritual, but as carnal. I Corinthians 3:1-3 2. To be spirit al is to listen to and obey the Word of God. It is to have high regard for God, His Word, and His leader. 3. Too many c urch members are carnal and not spiritual. 21They would Tther make their point and be heard than to work for me good of the whole church. D. He was sensitivJ. 1. He was sensihve to God. God moves upon us and teaches us H~s will for our lives. May we be sensitive to Him. I 2. He was sensi ive to God's Word. God's Word and will were very important to Joshua. It was more important than his own/Will. 3. He was sensijtive to his leader. He was the minister of Moses. He cfTied out the orders and wishes of Moses. II. THE CONSECRATION OF JOSHUA A. He was consecrrted to the Lord. 1. He had wiJssed Moses seeking the will of God in prayer and raiting for the Lord to reveal His will. 2. When the L9rd spoke to Joshua, listen to his reply. "Come hithe~., and hear the words of the Lord your God." 3:9 3. Preachers an deacons and church people need to hear what the Lorr says to them. Our first obligation is to the Lord. Acts 5r29 B. He was consec~ated to the leader. 1. Moses told ~oshua to choose men out and go out and fight with ApIalek. Exodus 17:9 2. "So Joshua t' id as Moses had said to him and fought with Amale '. Exodus 17: 10 3. He carried 0 t the orders of Moses to the best of his ability. He as a warrior for the Lord. C. He was consec~ated to the laws. 1. This man wanted to obey his leader as the leader followed th I Lord. 2. After Mose~ was gone, Joshua wanted to carry out the wishes of ~oses. Moses received the law of the Lord. 3. Joshua wan~ed to honor those laws and obey them and taught the p opIe to obey them as well. 22D. He was consecrled to the living. 1. When Moses ~ied, Joshua was chosen to be the leader of the Jewish eople. He was a good follower and he made a great leader for the Lord. 2. He loved God and he loved the Lord's people. This is necessary to lbad the people of God. 3. We must have the heart that Jesus had for people. He looked on th~ multitudes and had compassion on them. I Matthew 9:3,-38 III. THE CONDUCT OF JOSHUA A. The action was kodly. 1. Joshua lovedl the Lord. Very little is said about the things he might have done wrong. 2. When the Gibeonites made a league with the Jews, the men took noj counsel at the mouth of the Lord. Joshua 9:14 3. He had a go d report of the people around him. He was not self willed or self centered. B. The articulatio~ was gracious. 1. You cannot find where he said things that were wrong. 2. Your words kre a revelation of your heart. Your words reveal a lot ~bout your character. 3. Thank God for people who know how to talk and know when to let dctions speak for them. e. The attitude wfs grateful. 1. He had a good attitude. It was Joshua and Caleb that I wanted to go up and possess the land. 2. These two ~en were the only ones of the generation of Moses who ntered the land. 3. God help us to thank Him for the blessings and have an attitude of gratitude. D. The ambition ~as great. 1. Joshua had it lot of ambition, but it was spiritual. 2. He made a tonderfuI and good minister for Moses. 3. He became great leader of the Jews. He reminded 23them of the L rd's blessings. IV. THE COURAGE F JOSHUA A. The presence of he Lord 1. The Lord gav Joshua the promise that He would be with him as e was with Moses. 2. Joshua leane upon the Lord and His presence. 3. Moses his lea er said if the Lord's presence went not with him, he idn't want to go. B. The power of th Lord 1. Joshua was a arrior and fighter for God. 2. He fought wi h the enemies of God in battle for Moses and with his eople as they entered the land of Canaan. 3. The words 0 Paul stand out in Philippians 4: 13. C. The principles 0 the Lord 1. The Lord ins cted Joshua to be very strong and courageous. 2. He was to m ditate and speak the Word of the Lord. 3. He was to liv by the words of the law that Moses had received. D. The peace of th Lord 1. When you ar living for the Lord, there will be peace of mind and he 2. We will have the peace with God. We settled things with the Lor when we were saved. Romans 5: 1 3. There can be he peace of God which is optional. Colossians 3:15 Joshua demonstrated God's peace in his life.
