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Text: I Samuel 17:31-40
Text: [[1 Samuel 17]]:31-40

Intro: David was sent by his father to see how his two sons were
Intro: David was sent by his father to see how his two sons were doing
doing and how the w went.  
and how the war went.  

He sent some gifts to Saul.  
He sent some gifts to Saul.  

Latest revision as of 16:52, 6 September 2024


Text: 1 Samuel 17:31-40

Intro: David was sent by his father to see how his two sons were doing

and how the war went.

He sent some gifts to Saul.

David saw Goliath, a giant, who had defied Israel for 40 days.

He challenged the Jews to send a man to fight him.

If the Jew won, they would be their servants.

If he won, the Jews would be their servants.

David listen to the giant man and he chose to fight the battle for the Lord

and with the help of the Lord.

David was a servant of the Lord.


A. The acceptance of the truth
1. This battle with a great giant gave evidence that David had knowledge of God.
2. He believed the Lord had great power and would fight for His people.
3. He trust1d the Lord in light of the truth he accepted.
B. The applying of the truth
1. A great need among God's people is to apply the truth of God in their lives.
2. The army of God stood still while a 10 foot man defied God and His holy people.
3. Situations will sometimes reveal if we are applying the truth to bur lives.
4. Truth is truth in different situations.
We are to trust the Lord even while looking at a 10 foot man.
C. The altering to the truth
1. The army of Israel did not alter or change in light of God's Word or truth.
2. They let this giant defy God 40 days.
They show us the difference between mental acceptance and heart reception.
3. It took a young shepherd boy to show them what true faith and belief in God was all about.


A. The personal communion
1. David was the man after God's own heart. He had a heart for god.
2. David is the only man that has been described like this.
3. The psalms are beautiful and easy to read and study.
4. You can see how close David was to God by the way he talked with the giant.

B. The powerful conviction
1. David not only believed in the Lord and His power, but he shows he believed.
2. What else could move a small boy shepherd, to fight such a big giant?
3. David was a bigger giant than Goliath. His faith in God made him bigger than the giant.
C. The peaceful conversion
1. The hearing and receiving of the truth about God had a great impact on David.
2. The Lord wants to change us. He wants to convert us into the person He wants us to be.
3. This involves the transformation of the saved by the renewing of the mind. Romans 12:2


A. The enemy
1. The enemy was the giant nearly 10 foot tall.
2. The real enemy of the saved is the one we call the Devil or Satan.
he is our archenemy. 1 Peter 5:8
3. The Devil will always use people in his warfare with the Lord's people and His churches.
B. The evil
1. The Philistines sent Goliath out to fight the Jews.
This nation was a constant enemy of Israel.
2. They sent out the biggest, ugliest, and meanest soldier they had.
3. The Philistines were idol worshipers.
They did not have knowledge of God.
C. The earnestness df David
1. David had been sent by his father to check on his two brothers
and to see how the war was going
2. David heard the challenge of Goliath and was moved to do something about it.
3. All of the soldiers of Israel let the giant challenge them for 40 days.


A. Love for God
1. David loved God and could not stand to see the giant of a man defying the armies of the living God.
2. His love for God moved him to fight this giant.
3. Love will always move us to obey the Word of the Lord
and listen to him. John 14:21-27
B. Listening to God
1. David listened to God. Jesus said a wise man will listen and do what He says. Matthew 7:24-26
2. The Holy Spirit of God often moves on us to do the will and work of the Lord.
3. We need Workers and fighters for God. There is no lack of them.
There is a lack of people who love the Lord enough to Obey Him.
C. Loyalty to God
1. David was not only willing to fight the giant, but he ran to fight him.
2. The giant was insulted that the Jews would send a young kid out to fight him,
but that young kid had a big God.
3. David knew the battle was the Lord's battle and not His own battle.


A. Works manifest a relationship.
because that faith without works is dead.
2. David's works showed others that he had a relationship with God.
3. We are saved unto good works that God has ordained that we should walk in. Ephesians 2: 10
B. Works manifest a righteousness.
1. David could not stand seeing this giant defy the armies of God.
2. He was moved by what he saw. He was so moved that he was W111ing to put his life on the line.
3. David was a saved man who was used of the Lord in a great and mighty way.
C. Works manifest a reverence or respect.
1. David was not willing to allow His God to be defied.
2. David did not see a 10 foot man! He saw a man that was defying the God of the universe.
3. He fought this 10 foot man with a sling and 5 stones.
He was ready for Goliath's 4 brothers.
D. Works manifest a ruling.
1. God was ruling in David's life. He had a greater king than king Saul.
2. The Lord dominating in our lives can accomplish some great things.
3. May the grace of our Lord allow the Lord to rule in our lives as He wants to rule in our hearts.
4. Our God is an awesome God. He is our powerful God.
