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(Created page with "This needs OCR cleanup INTRODUCTION - ABC's OF FAITH WHAT IS FAITH? Text: Hebrews 11: -3. Introduction: :A. Faith is difficult to define. It means: ::1. Believing something without concrete proof of its reality, ::2. To trust in a person or a thing, ::3. To believe in God. :::a. A mere belief in God is not faith in the Biblical sense. :::b. Real faith is believing God to the point of trusting :::Him for salvation, life-sustaining needs, security :::and e...")
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Revision as of 13:04, 28 June 2024

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Text: Hebrews 11: -3.


A. Faith is difficult to define. It means:
1. Believing something without concrete proof of its reality,
2. To trust in a person or a thing,
3. To believe in God.
a. A mere belief in God is not faith in the Biblical sense.
b. Real faith is believing God to the point of trusting
Him for salvation, life-sustaining needs, security
and eternal blessings.
B. The text provides an inspired definition of genuine faith.
1. Faith is "substance," assurance, confirmation of things hoped for.
2. Faith' "evidence,"proof of things not seen.
C. Faith is lief in things whether past, present or future,
as may not be known by experience
and cannot be logically demonstrated, vs 3.
D. With these servants of God, faith,
"Was an abiding confidence in anticipated good,
and a clear conviction of unseen realities. "--A. C. Kendrick in

An American Commentary On The New Testament.

E. "Faith is the key which enables us to decipher God's

otherwise inscrutable communications. "--Malcolm

Muggerid , "A Skeptic Goes to Bethlehem,"

Reader'sD'gest; December, 1988.

I. THE NATURE F FAITH. Faith is a natural principleof the mind.

A. All people exercise faith with regard to earthly things.

1. The far er in planting his crops.

2. The ufacturer in regards to the sale of his product .

3. The lab rer in regards to the tools of his trade.

4. The tra eler with respect to the vehicle in which he rides.

- 1 -B. But spi itual faith has for its objects a higher classof reali ies.

1. Faith is the "eye"of the soul.

a. convictionof things not seen.

b. f faith is the eye of the soul, the Bible may be

ailed the eye-glassthrough which faith looksand

ees the reality of all that God is doing, has done

d willyet do for His creation.

2. is the "hand" of the soul.

8. y faith one lays hold on, grasps and claims, the

romises of God.

b. y faith one obtains salvation, justification and security.

faith one obtains heaven and all it holds.

C. shall live by faith, Hebrews 10:38.


A. It is the reality of the unseen God.

B. It is acc pting that creation was by divine decree.

C. Is that vation is by divine plan. .

D. Is that s urity is by divine powez-.

E. Is that~aven is a divine place to be realized.

F. Accepts the Bible as the revelation of God to His

creatu . The creation declares God (Psalm 19:1),

but only in the Bible is He revealed.


A. It transf rms a person from:

1. A ho eless sinner to 8 confident saint.

2. Bon e to liberty.

3. Despai to real hope.

B. So orde the life of a believer that it is directly

opposed to that of the unbeliever.

C. Faith h the power to transform character.

1. Turn a liar into a truthful person.

2. Turn a bitter disposition into a sweet disposition.

3. Turn hate into love.

4. Turn a fearful heart into a peaceful heart.

D. Faith fo s good habits.

1. Abr built an altar and worshipped God, Genesis 12:8.

2. We, t 0, should worship often.

3. Re Bible reading and prayer.

-2 -4. Faithf I church attendance and regular payment of tithes d offerings.

IV. THE ASSU CE OF FAlTH. Some examples.

A. Abel saw t e "Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the orld," John 1:29.

B. Abraham saw the city that has foundations, Hebrews 11:10.

C. Isaac, Jac b and Joseph saw that the promises concern in Canaan were real.

1. Abr and Isaac were buried in the land.

2. Jacob p t Joseph under oath that he wouldbury him there.

3. Joseph hen dyingmade mention of the departing of Israel, ebrews 11:22.

D. By faith w are assured of:

1. Salvati in Christ.

2. Provisi s of life-needshere.

3. The ret n of Christ in glory.

4. The res rection and rapture of the saints.

5. Eternal gloryin heaven.


A. Through f ith "the elders obtained a good report," vs 2.

1. Before od and men.

2. They c nstitute "a great cloud of witnesses" to encour e all generationsto lay hold on the promises of God y faith, Hebrews 12:1.

B. Does your aith obtain for you a "good report"?

C. As Jesus'd ciples, let us pray, "Lord, Increase our faith," Luk 17:5
