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by O H Griffith

Text: Hebrews 11.32


A. Gideo is our hero of faith for this message.

1. H, was a man. of valor.

2. H~ was the sixth judge of Israel.

3. He exercised brave faith when others were afraid.

B. Faith ~nables one to be bold, courageous and brave.

C. Gideob's faith was tested in at least eight ways.

I. BY THE AiPOSTASYOF ms PEOPLE, Judges 6:1-10.

A. They "~id evil in the sight of the Lord," vs 1.

B. Sin e~laves, so they were greatly impoverished by the Midianites, vs 6.

C. Thou~ forewarned, they had not obeyed God, vs 10. I

D. Many rnd it difficult to be true to God when so many ~ unfaithful, but Gideon was faithful. rr, BYTHE Af.PEARANCEOF ANANGEL,Judges 6:11-24.

A. The ~l came while he threshed wheat. God calls busy people,

B. Noticel the angel's salutation: "The Lord is with thee, tf:toumighty man of valour," vs 12.

C. Gideoq was humble, vs 15.

D. Men o~faith try the spirit, I John 4:1.

1. The angel passed the test, vs 21.

2. Th Lord comforted Gideon, vs 23.

E. Gideo~bUilt an altar, vs 24.

1. Th re he worshiped God.

2. He named the altar "Jehovah-shalom"--The Lord of pe e.


A. Tear d wn the altar of Baal.

1. His father was the priest of Baal, owner of the idol, and the place where it was worshiped.

2. Gid on obeyed the angel and pulled down the altar.

3. He ut down the groove--images.

4. He slaughtered one of the sacred bulls and offered it as ~ burnt sacrifice to God.

B. Next mrming the people learned what Gideon had done d demanded that he be stoned.

1. His fathe interceded, saying:

2. If Baal is god, let him punish Gideon, vs 31.

C. Gideon the blew the trumpet for war, and 32,000 men respon ed.

IV. BY SiGNS FRO GOD, Judges 6:36-40.

A. First,there as dew on the fleece only.

B. Second, th re was dew on everything but the fleece.


A. Twenty-two thousand of his army were afraid and went home.

B.· The remaini g ten thousand were tested by God.

1. Those la . g down their implements to drink were placed in group to themselves-D.700.

2. The othe group (300) had dipped up water in hand to drink.

C. The Lord to d Gideon that He would deliver Israel by the 300.

1. Without od, Gideon could not win with 32,000.

2. With Go , he could win with only 300, (cf Romans 8:31).

VI. BY VICTORY,J dges 7:7-25.

A. The Midi ltes and the Amalekites were like grasshoppe for multitude, and their camels like the sand on the seashore in number.

B. God assu I Gideon of victory by the dream of an enemy soldi r.

1. A barley e tumbled into the Midianite camp and smote a t nt.

2. The Midi ite soldier interpreted it as meaning victory for Gideo .

C. "The sword f the Lord,and of Gideon."

1. "Andthe stood every man in his place."

2. The Lord et the enemies' swords against themselves.


A. The old jeal usy of Ephraim showed its ugly head.

B. Gideon han led the matter prudently.

VIII. BY FAME, FOR E, AND FAVOR,Judges 8:4-27.

A. Many peopl are unable to handle success.

B. Gideon's sol iers requested that he become their king. He wi ly refused their request.

C. Gid n's next move seems to have been his own idea; arrived at without consulting God.

1. equested the earrings from the spoils.

2. e men gladly gave them. It added up to 1,700 s ekels of gold-forty-three pounds at $400an ounce e uals $680,000.

D. Of th Gideon made an ephod.

1. A sacred, high priest's garment.

a Not exactly an idol, but a fetish.

b. Many today cling to some such outward emblem-crucifix, wafer, baptism, church-andrniss that worship in spirit and in truth, (cf John 4:24). Israel began to worship the ephod. It became a snare to Gideon and his house.




A. Gid him.

B. Beca e of his faith, he became the most powerful, the m st trusted and respected among his brethren

C. Gideo passed all the tests with flying colors, excep the last.

D. It oft n happens that fame, fortune and favor spoil a pe n and his witness is tarnished and dimmed. Witn

1. : Saul, David and Solomon.

2. Yo probably know people who have succumbed to th se.

E. God h d warned Israel of this ever-present danger, Deute nomy 6:10-12.

F. God's pie must exercise eternal vigilance.

1. M t remain dedicated to God-walk with Him.

2. M t serve Him and obey His commandments.

3. Bi le reading, prayer and faithfulness to church is an ab olute essential.

4. M t put God first as Gideon did. Then as God su plied Gideon's needs, so He will multiply your own see sown.

5. Th se who become selfish, lovers of money and pie ures

a. Will ruin their good reputation,

b. May lose their family, and

c. Will certainly lose their peace of mind.

was an unknown in Israel when God called
