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(Created page with "<big> NEHEMUAH, A SERVANT OF THE LORD Text: Nehemiah 1:3-~1 Intro: Nehemiah had been carried away in the 70 year captivity of the Jewish people. In captivity the Lord honored him and he served the king. When his b ethren came and told him of the condition of Jerusalem, it movedJim to do something about it. He wanted to go back to the city and ~elp restore it for the honor and glory of God. God used him in a rntghty way to get this job done. Lets notice what kind of man N...")
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Text: Nehemiah 1:3-~1
Text: Nehemiah 1:3-~1
Intro: Nehemiah had been carried away in the 70 year captivity of
Intro: Nehemiah had been carried away in the 70 year captivity of
the Jewish people. In captivity the Lord honored him and he served
the Jewish people. In captivity the Lord honored him and he served
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what kind of man Ne emiah was. Lets notice five things about
what kind of man Ne emiah was. Lets notice five things about
A. He loved his place-Jerusalem.
A. He loved his place-Jerusalem.
1. Nehemiaf was told about the condition of the city of
1. Nehemiaf was told about the condition of the city of
2. The walls of this beloved city were broken down and
2. The walls of this beloved city were broken down and
the gat~eumed with fire.
the gat~eumed with fire.
3. This m sat down, wept, and mourned certain days and
3. This m sat down, wept, and mourned certain days and
fasted or id without food.
fasted or id without food.
B. He loved hi~ people-the Jews.
B. He loved hi~ people-the Jews.
1. The Jewish people left in Jerusalem or around it were in
1. The Jewish people left in Jerusalem or around it were in
great afll. ction and reproach.
great afll. ction and reproach.
2. These w re the ones who were not taken into captivity.
2. These w re the ones who were not taken into captivity.
3. Nehemi was in captivity, but he was doing better than
3. Nehemi was in captivity, but he was doing better than
those w~o were not carried away.
those w~o were not carried away.
C. He loved hiS potentate-Jesus.
C. He loved hiS potentate-Jesus.
1. The condition of Jerusalem often reflected the condition
1. The condition of Jerusalem often reflected the condition
of the P90ple before God.
of the P90ple before God.
2. Nehemir loved God. He loved God's people. He loved
2. Nehemir loved God. He loved God's people. He loved
God's city.
God's city.
3. A deep love for the people of God and the place of God
3. A deep love for the people of God and the place of God
is an evidence that a person loves God.
is an evidence that a person loves God.
4. Nehemiah prayed to the Lord for forgiveness for the
4. Nehemiah prayed to the Lord for forgiveness for the
Lord's ~eople. He confessed his and their sins.
Lord's ~eople. He confessed his and their sins.
1A. He left his comfort.
1A. He left his comfort.
1. Nehemiah wak the cup bearer for the king. He would
1. Nehemiah wak the cup bearer for the king. He would
taste the wine to make sure no one was trying to poison
taste the wine to make sure no one was trying to poison the king.
the king.
2. The Lord had blessed him even in captivity. The king
2. The Lord had blessed him even in captivity. The king
noticed his sad condition.
noticed his sad condition.
3. This man wa willing to leave the palace to go to a
3. This man wa willing to leave the palace to go to a
burned downt,and destroyed city.
burned downt,and destroyed city.
B. He left his caree .
B. He left his caree .
1. He had respe t and honor in the palace. He had a career.
1. He had respe t and honor in the palace. He had a career.
2. He could hav~ made it fine through the captivity. He
2. He could hav~ made it fine through the captivity. He
had been exa~ted.
had been exa~ted.
3. He was willing to leave the king and his career and go
3. He was willing to leave the king and his career and go
and do whatJhe Lord had burdened him to do.
and do whatJhe Lord had burdened him to do.
C. He left his com anions.
C. He left his com anions.
1. He enjoyed the presence of the king and his friends and
1. He enjoyed the presence of the king and his friends and
2. He was part fthe in crowd in captivity. What an honor
2. He was part fthe in crowd in captivity. What an honor
to be a servant of the king during captivity.
to be a servant of the king during captivity.
3. He was williag to leave these companions to serve the
3. He was williag to leave these companions to serve the
Lord with t* people ofthe Lord who lived in a city
Lord with t* people ofthe Lord who lived in a city
whose wallsi were broken down and gates burned.
whose wallsi were broken down and gates burned.
A. The viewing I1. Nehemiah went out by night and viewed the condition
A. The viewing I1. Nehemiah went out by night and viewed the condition
of the gates in the blessed city.
of the gates in the blessed city.
2. Nehemiah anted to see with his own eyes the
2. Nehemiah anted to see with his own eyes the
condition 0 the city so he could determine what needed
condition 0 the city so he could determine what needed to be done.
to be done.
3. Ifpeople do not view the condition that exists, they will
3. Ifpeople do not view the condition that exists, they will
not be movrl d in a cause.
not be movrl d in a cause.
B. The vision
B. The vision
1. What Nehe iah saw was a broken down burned city.
1. What Nehe iah saw was a broken down burned city.
This was t~e present condition of the city.
This was t~e present condition of the city.
2. This man s w more than that. He saw what that city
2. This man s w more than that. He saw what that city
2could beJrne and he wanted to have part in it.
2could beJrne and he wanted to have part in it.
3. We need people in our church that can see the
3. We need people in our church that can see the
condition,j but also see what we could become.
condition,j but also see what we could become.
4. We need I eople who want to make it happen and be a
part of it.
4. We need I eople who want to make it happen and be a part of it.
C. The vexing
C. The vexing
1. In captivity, Nehemiah mourned the condition of his
1. In captivity, Nehemiah mourned the condition of his
people an& Jerusalem.
people an& Jerusalem.
2. It troubled him to see the city of God existing in such a
condition I
2. It troubled him to see the city of God existing in such a condition I
3. Our trou~~e today is people are not moved and troubled
by what t~ey see.
3. Our trou~~e today is people are not moved and troubled by what t~ey see.
4. People are more concerned about their own lives than
4. People are more concerned about their own lives than
the work hf the Lord.
the work hf the Lord.
A. The conditi~n of the city
A. The conditi~n of the city
1. Nehemiaf, did not look at the city and say there is no
1. Nehemiaf, did not look at the city and say there is no use.
2. He wasn' willing to let it continue in that condition.
2. He wasn' willing to let it continue in that condition.
3. He was a man of action and work. He knew what
3. He was a man of action and work. He knew what
needed t~ be done and he was willing to do it.
needed t~ be done and he was willing to do it.
B. The challenge to the people
B. The challenge to the people
1. He challenged them to build for the Lord. There always
1. He challenged them to build for the Lord. There always
must be someone who challenges others.
must be someone who challenges others.
2. We need more builders. We need more people who are
2. We need more builders. We need more people who are
willing t labor and work for the Lord.
willing t labor and work for the Lord.
3. He waSili't willing for the people to live in and under
3. He waSili't willing for the people to live in and under
this kind of reproach.
this kind of reproach.
C. The consol .on from the king
C. The consol .on from the king
1. The kin gave letters to Nehemiah to give to the keeper
1. The kin gave letters to Nehemiah to give to the keeper
2. ~~:h~i~0~t~~u~~8permit Nehemiah to use tImber from
2. ~~:h~i~0~t~~u~~8permit Nehemiah to use tImber from
his fores s to build the gates and walls.
his fores s to build the gates and walls.
3. The Lor always provides the needs for His work. We
3. The Lor always provides the needs for His work. We
must be willing to do the work and take the challenge.
must be willing to do the work and take the challenge.
3D. The conviction 11hC people
3D. The conviction 11hC people
1. The people S~id, Let us rise up and build. 2: 18
1. The people S~id, Let us rise up and build. 2: 18
2. They strengthened their hands to do this work. The
2. They strengthened their hands to do this work. The
Lord gives thb grace and strength to do the work.
Lord gives thb grace and strength to do the work.
3. This was a gclod work. The people were convicted the
3. This was a gclod work. The people were convicted the
work needed ~o be done and they did it.
work needed ~o be done and they did it.
E. The companionship of God
E. The companionship of God
1. Nehemiah to~d them of the good hand of God upon
1. Nehemiah to~d them of the good hand of God upon
him. I
him. I
2. Long ago Mo[ses said, If thy presence goes not with me,
2. Long ago Mo[ses said, If thy presence goes not with me,
carry me not hence.
carry me not hence.
3. The Lord has told His churches that He is with them
3. The Lord has told His churches that He is with them
always as the do His work. Matthew 28: 19,20
always as the do His work. Matthew 28: 19,20
A. The obedience t God
A. The obedience t God
1. The -Lord bu klened his heart to do this work.
1. The -Lord bu klened his heart to do this work.
2. He left all to do what the Lord moved on him to do.
2. He left all to do what the Lord moved on him to do.
B. The OPPOSitionirom man
B. The OPPOSitionirom man
1. The Lord's ork will always face opposition from
1. The Lord's ork will always face opposition from mankind.
2. Sometimes t e opposition comes from within and
2. Sometimes t e opposition comes from within and
sometimes itlcomes from without.
sometimes itlcomes from without.
3. The Devil assaults the messenger, attacks the message,
3. The Devil assaults the messenger, attacks the message,
and agitates the membership.
and agitates the membership.
C. The obligation to God
C. The obligation to God
1. Loyal people! feel a great obligation to the Lord and His
1. Loyal people! feel a great obligation to the Lord and His
service. I
service. I
2. We have a job to do and may we not allow family,
2. We have a job to do and may we not allow family,
friends, finabces, or foes to take us away from our
friends, finabces, or foes to take us away from our obligation. I
obligation. I
D. The opportunity for the servant
D. The opportunity for the servant
1. God can usel anyone and everyone in His holy service.
1. God can usel anyone and everyone in His holy service.
2. We are to bjlaborers together with God. I Cor. 3:9
2. We are to bjlaborers together with God. I Cor. 3:9
3. We are to sgek His kingdom and righteousness first.
Matthew 6: 3
3. We are to sgek His kingdom and righteousness first. Matthew 6: 3


Revision as of 22:08, 13 August 2024


Text: Nehemiah 1:3-~1

Intro: Nehemiah had been carried away in the 70 year captivity of the Jewish people. In captivity the Lord honored him and he served the king. When his b ethren came and told him of the condition of Jerusalem, it movedJim to do something about it. He wanted to go back to the city and ~elp restore it for the honor and glory of God. God used him in a rntghty way to get this job done. Lets notice what kind of man Ne emiah was. Lets notice five things about him.


A. He loved his place-Jerusalem.

1. Nehemiaf was told about the condition of the city of Jerusale~.

2. The walls of this beloved city were broken down and the gat~eumed with fire.

3. This m sat down, wept, and mourned certain days and fasted or id without food.

B. He loved hi~ people-the Jews.

1. The Jewish people left in Jerusalem or around it were in great afll. ction and reproach.

2. These w re the ones who were not taken into captivity.

3. Nehemi was in captivity, but he was doing better than those w~o were not carried away.

C. He loved hiS potentate-Jesus.

1. The condition of Jerusalem often reflected the condition of the P90ple before God.

2. Nehemir loved God. He loved God's people. He loved God's city.

3. A deep love for the people of God and the place of God is an evidence that a person loves God.

4. Nehemiah prayed to the Lord for forgiveness for the Lord's ~eople. He confessed his and their sins.


1A. He left his comfort.

1. Nehemiah wak the cup bearer for the king. He would taste the wine to make sure no one was trying to poison the king.

2. The Lord had blessed him even in captivity. The king noticed his sad condition.

3. This man wa willing to leave the palace to go to a burned downt,and destroyed city.

B. He left his caree .

1. He had respe t and honor in the palace. He had a career.

2. He could hav~ made it fine through the captivity. He had been exa~ted.

3. He was willing to leave the king and his career and go and do whatJhe Lord had burdened him to do.

C. He left his com anions.

1. He enjoyed the presence of the king and his friends and servants.

2. He was part fthe in crowd in captivity. What an honor to be a servant of the king during captivity.

3. He was williag to leave these companions to serve the Lord with t* people ofthe Lord who lived in a city whose wallsi were broken down and gates burned.


A. The viewing I1. Nehemiah went out by night and viewed the condition of the gates in the blessed city.

2. Nehemiah anted to see with his own eyes the condition 0 the city so he could determine what needed to be done.

3. Ifpeople do not view the condition that exists, they will not be movrl d in a cause.

B. The vision

1. What Nehe iah saw was a broken down burned city.

This was t~e present condition of the city.

2. This man s w more than that. He saw what that city 2could beJrne and he wanted to have part in it.

3. We need people in our church that can see the condition,j but also see what we could become.

4. We need I eople who want to make it happen and be a part of it.

C. The vexing

1. In captivity, Nehemiah mourned the condition of his people an& Jerusalem.

2. It troubled him to see the city of God existing in such a condition I

3. Our trou~~e today is people are not moved and troubled by what t~ey see.

4. People are more concerned about their own lives than the work hf the Lord.


A. The conditi~n of the city

1. Nehemiaf, did not look at the city and say there is no use.

2. He wasn' willing to let it continue in that condition.

3. He was a man of action and work. He knew what needed t~ be done and he was willing to do it.

B. The challenge to the people

1. He challenged them to build for the Lord. There always must be someone who challenges others.

2. We need more builders. We need more people who are willing t labor and work for the Lord. I

3. He waSili't willing for the people to live in and under this kind of reproach.

C. The consol .on from the king

1. The kin gave letters to Nehemiah to give to the keeper

2. ~~:h~i~0~t~~u~~8permit Nehemiah to use tImber from

his fores s to build the gates and walls.

3. The Lor always provides the needs for His work. We must be willing to do the work and take the challenge.

3D. The conviction 11hC people

1. The people S~id, Let us rise up and build. 2: 18

2. They strengthened their hands to do this work. The Lord gives thb grace and strength to do the work.

3. This was a gclod work. The people were convicted the work needed ~o be done and they did it.

E. The companionship of God

1. Nehemiah to~d them of the good hand of God upon him. I

2. Long ago Mo[ses said, If thy presence goes not with me, carry me not hence.

3. The Lord has told His churches that He is with them always as the do His work. Matthew 28: 19,20


A. The obedience t God

1. The -Lord bu klened his heart to do this work.

2. He left all to do what the Lord moved on him to do.

B. The OPPOSitionirom man

1. The Lord's ork will always face opposition from mankind.

2. Sometimes t e opposition comes from within and sometimes itlcomes from without.

3. The Devil assaults the messenger, attacks the message, and agitates the membership.

C. The obligation to God

1. Loyal people! feel a great obligation to the Lord and His service. I

2. We have a job to do and may we not allow family, friends, finabces, or foes to take us away from our obligation. I

D. The opportunity for the servant

1. God can usel anyone and everyone in His holy service.

2. We are to bjlaborers together with God. I Cor. 3:9

3. We are to sgek His kingdom and righteousness first. Matthew 6: 3
