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God's servants in the Work of God - - Shin Kamoda

1 Corinthians 3:4-14

Apostle Paul wrote to the Church at Corinth.

1 Corinthians 3:5

To know that we are royal servants in the Work of God.

We are not to compare one with another.

Instead of thinking who, among us, is the greatest,

we are to recognize who God is.

Then think who, in the sight of God, is the greatest.


The disciples questioned Jesus "who is the greatest

in the kingdom of heaven?"

To them, Jesus answered, in Matthew 18:4,

"Whosoever therefore shall humble himself

as this little child,

the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

Humble persons are the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Now, let us look at three roles we should play in the kingdom of God.

I. We are to be God's servants

(Diakonoi). (Verse 5)

A. Paul spoke to the church in Corinth

as unto carnal Christians,

because they were not spiritual. (1 Corinthians 3: 1)

Paul regarded members of that church as carnal,

because there were envying, and strife, and divisions among them.

When Christians are interested in who is the greatest

in their church or among

B. The brethren, they have such signs of carnality.

C. Carnal Christians do not desire to serve, but be served.

D. Spiritual Christians are ministers (servants).

1. Both Paul and Apollo were ministers.

2. God gave them increase.

E. Diakonoi (Greek word) means servants.

F. A servant means a menial worker of any sort. A willing worker.

G. Deacon came from the word "Diakonia". Acts 6:2-5. First 7

deacons served matters of tables to minister widows

in the church in Jerusalem.

H. To work in mission fields or to pastor the Lord's churches,

God's servants must do anything necessary to advance the Gospel.

1. Planting Seeds: To illustrate the labor of plantation,

the parable of the sower is appropriate.

Seeds represent the Word of God. Matthew 13: 1-23

a) Some seeds fall by the way side, some stony places,

some thorny places, and others good ground.

b) God's servants do not know which seeds fall on which soil.

So, sowing must be continued.

c) Reality: Only I of Japanese people claim to be Christians.

Percentage of receiving positive response from the crowd is very low.

But God blesses us by sending souls to our way

as we continue planting seeds.

This is fact.

2. Watering: According to 1 Corinthians 3:6-8,

both planting and watering are needed.

Bringing water to the soil (=heart).

Water is essential for growth.

a) When God blesses us and send souls to our way,

we must water and care for souls.

Otherwise, they may stop

b) Attending services,

because they feel neglected or their needs not being met.

There is a high chance of drop outs.

3. Reaping: It is a pleasure time for the workers.

a) Psalm 126:5-6; "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.

He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed,

shall doubtless come again with rejoicing,

bringing his sheaves with him."

b) This is when precious souls repent of their sins

and turn their hearts to trust in the Savior Jesus Christ

who died on the cross for our sins

and rose from the dead on the third day.

c) There is joy both on earth and in heaven,

when this takes place. (Luke 15:7,

10) This is proven.

II. We are to be master-builders. (Verse 10)

A. Wise means skilful. Skill comes from experience.

The word "wise" comes from Sophos (Greek word),

meaning "spiritual and practical skills".

B. Master-builder comes from Architekton (Greek word),

meaning architect and designer.

C. Paul left the work in Corinth to Apollo,

as he did to Timothy (1 Timothy 1:3

D. Foundation is the Lord Jesus Christ.

Every church member must seriously claim Christ

as the Lord and Savior.

He is not only the Savior, but also the Lord.

This means that every member of a New Testament Church

must have a firm conviction and confession of faith in Jesus Christ

as the Savior and must obey Him as the Lord.

Ill. We are to treat each other as Christ's possessions. (Verse 23)

A. Therefore, we are to abstain from Idols.

Idols do not possess Christians. (1 Peter 4:3; 1 John 5:21)

B. Do not allow discouragement hinder you,

because Christ has YOU.

1 John 1:12 says "But as many as received him,

to them gave he power to become the sons of God,

even to them that believe on his name:"

C. Paul was amazed of the ignorance of Corinthian brethren.

He said "What? know ye not that your body

is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you,

which ye have of God,

and ye are not your own?" (l Corinthians 6: 19)

D. God of the Trinity

(The Father, The Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit)

has God's children.

E. If we are Christ's possessions,

we are highly valued and object of His supreme love.

If that is the case,

we need to treat each other as valuable and beloved people to God.


A. Let us identify ourselves as God's royal servants in the work of God.

B. Let us become wise master-builders in the work of God.

C. Let us stay focused on the fact that God's children

are possessed by God and treat each other as such.

Brother Shin Kamoda,

Hachioji City, Tokyo, Japan ___________________________________ Loving Your Neighbor

LUKE: 10:25-37


A. The lawyer in the parable of the Good Samaritan asked

"And who is my neighbor?"

And Jesus responds with Luke 11:30-35.

B. Jesus considered the Samaritan and the wounded man neighbors

even though they did npt know each other

or live close to one another.

C. Your neighbor is anyone God has put in your path

(road in this case)

who is in need.


A. Jesus said loving your neighbor as yourself

is the second greatest commandment, Matthew 22: 39.

B. By loving your neighbor as yourself

you have fulfilled all the law, Galatians 5:14.

Loving your neighbor as yourself is one

of the bibles most repeated commandments.

C. Whatever good you do for your neighbor

the Lord will do the same for you, Ephesians 6:8.

We are to look out for the interest of others, Philippians 2:4


A. The phrase "a friend in need is a friend indeed"

means a friend who helps out when we are in trouble is a true friend.

Likewise, a Christian who loves his neighbor

is one who helps his neighbor when he is in need.

B. The Samaritan went out of his way spending his time,

effort, money, and strength for the wounded man.

C. Loving the unwanted and undesirable how priest

and the Levite saw the wounded man.

As well as, loving them even they do not love you in return, Luke 6:32

D. Having compassion for the people around you

like the Samaritans compassion for the wounded man in, Luke 10:33.


A. Helping a neighbor allows your light to shine, Matthew 5: 16

B. Loving your neighbor will glorify God, 1 Peter 2:12

Bro. Charlie Long

When Student at Heritage Baptist Institute 2009 ___________________________________ THIS IS JUST WHAT HEAVEN MEANS TO ME

Rev.21: 1-5


A. Heaven means different things to different people.

All Sorts of questions are asked about Heaven.

1. Many questions I can not answer

because the Bible is silent on some of the things people ask.

2.Paul, after he visited Heaven,

then was sent back to earth to finish his work,

was not able to tell all he saw there. (2 Cor. 12:4)

3. There is absolutely no way to describe it,

it is so wonderful (1 Cor.2:9)

B. Since I am going to spend eternity there,

I want to know something about it


A. It is a real and literal place.

Many think it is only spiritual.

I believe it to be tangible.

1. The capitol city, measuring over two million square miles

is a real city with real streets and real buildings.

2. The river is real. The trees are real.

The flowers are real.

Animal and other creatures are real.

3. Its beauty is real. It will be the Garden of Eden all over again.

4. The people will be real. .. not spirits.

We will have real bodies.

B. Jesus said it is real (Jn.l4:2)

C. Abraham believed it is real (Heb.11:1 0)

D. Stephen had a glimpse of it when dying (Acts 7:56)

E. John saw it (Rev. 21:1-2)

II. IT IS HOME TO ME (2 Cor. 5:1)

A. The song goes: "This world is not my home,

I'm just passing thru,

my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue.

The Angels beacon me from Heaven's open door

and I can't feel at home in this world anymore."


  • Bro. B.R. Lakin said, "I don't feel at home down here anymore."
  • Bro. Charles Weigle, who wrote the song,

"No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus,"

lay on his death bed in a hospital in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

As death drew near he kept saying to the Doctors and nurses,

"I want to go home."

The nurse called Dr. Lee Roberson, Weigle's pastor,

and told him how he kept saying he wanted to go home.

The nurse asked Dr. Roberson what he meant by that?

Dr. Roberson replied, "He wants to go home."

And in a few moments after she hung up the phone, Weigle went home.


A. Think of our family reunions down here.

Up there we will meet all the saints of the ages.

That will be the family of God.

B. The places they will come from (Lk.13:29)

1. Those who have long since gone back to dust (Job 19:25-26)

2. Those who have been buried in mines.

3. Those who went down in a watery grave.

4. Those who died on the battlefields.

5. All the little babies.

D. King David lost his child. He said,

"I can not bring him back, but I can go where he is."


A. The "no mores" (Rev .21 :4

1. No more tears.

2. No more death.

3. No more sorrow

4. No more crying.

5. No more pain

6. No more curse (Rev.22:3a)




A. Many "whys" of life we can not answer now.


(Jn.l4:3) Paul's testimony (Phil. 1:23)

UNKNOWN _____________________________________ Being a servant

John 12:26

What we were at one time (I Corinthians 2: 14)

1. Incapable - receiveth not - He is without spirit - lost

2. Insensitive - foolishness - distasteful- unattractive

3. Ignorant - of God's Word - will - neither can he know them

I. Choice of Saints - If any man serve me

A. Choice for Service (Matthew 6:24, Joshua 24:15)

B. Clean Heart (I Chronicles 28:9)

C. Complete Confidence in One We Serve (Daniel 3:17-18)
