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Blessings of Faith
Blessings of Faith

Text: Hebrews 11:2 ,21.
Text: [[Hebrews 11]].2 ,21.


A. Faith is a cepting without reservation that which
:A. Faith is accepting without reservation  
cannot seen nor understood by human

B. This princ pIe is remarkably demonstrated in the
::that which cannot seen nor understood by human reasoning.
incidents 0 which our text makes reference.

I. ISAAC'S SON . Genesis 25:24-28.
:B. This principle is remarkably demonstrated in the incidents

A. Esau was aac's favorite, vs 28.
::to which our text makes reference.
I. ISAAC'S SON . [[Genesis 25]].24-28.
:A. Esau was Isaac's favorite, [[Genesis 25.28]]
::1. Esau did not value the promises of God,
:::but lived for the things of this world.
::2. He despised his birthright, [[Genesis 25.34]]
::3. He was "profane (godless, sacrilegious) person,"
:::[[Hebrews 12.16]]
::4. For these reasons, God said, "Esau have I hated," [[Roman 9.13]]
:B. Jacob was Rebekah's favorite, vs 28.
::1. Jacob desired the covenant promise,
:::but was unwilling to wait or God to give it to him.
::2. He cheated Esau out of the birthright.
::3. Later, he stole (by lying and deceit) the blessing
:::that Isaac fully intended to bestow upon Esau.
:A. Jacob's blessing
::1. Was obtained by less than honorable means, [[Genesis 27.18]]-25
::2. The blessing included:
:::a. Fruitfulness- "dew of heaven," vs 28.
:::b. Prosperity--"plenty of corn and wine," vs 28.
:::c. International honer - all nations to serve him, vs 29
:::d. Exaltation over brethren-- Lord over his brethren, vs 29.
:::e. Honor among his own people.
:::f. A curse upon his enemies--"cursed be everyone that curseth thee."
:::g. A blessing to his friends--"Blessed"be he that blesseth thee."
::3. In many respects Jacob was a scoundrel in the ways of the world,
:::but he had respect to the divine promise.
::4. Perhaps his worst fault was his impatience
:::and unwillingness to wait on God.
:B. Enter Esau, [[Genesis 27.30]]-33
::1. Imeddiately following Jacob's exit.
::2. Introduced himself, correctly, as the firstborn,
::3. Now Isaac seemed to fully realize what had just gone before,
:::and it caused him to tremble "very exceedingly,"vs 33.
:::a. Isaac may have suspected trickery all along.
:::b. But he was controlled by the Spirit of God
::::and was compelled to bless Jacob.
:::c. Now recognizing God's will, he said,
::::"Yea,and he shall be blessed," vs 33.
:C. Esau' remorse, [[Genesis 27.34]]-40
::1. He wept bitterly.
:::a. Because of the loss of the material blessings,
::::and because he was outsmarted by his brother, Jacob.
::2. Esau did did not repent, but begged for a blessing, vs 38.
::3. He did not receive a blessing as such,
:::but a prophetic revelation of his future.
:::a. Even though he did not value the spiritual,
::::he would enjoy heaven's goodness, vs 39; (cf [[Matthew 5.45]])
:::b. He would live by his sword, vs 40.
:::c. Sometime in the future, his descendants
::::would obtain dominion over Jacob's descendants, vs 40;
::::cf [[2 Kings 8.20]]-22
:A. Gave Joseph two portions in Israel, [[Genesis 48.22]]
:B. He thus expressed his faith in God's promise.
:C. He extracted an oath that Joseph would bury him in Canaan
:D. Then Jacob worshiped God, leaning on his staff, [[Hebrew 11.21]]

1. Esau di not value the promises of God, but lived for
the t . gs of this world.
2. He des ised his birthright, Genesis 25:34.
3. He w a "profane [godless, sacrilegious] person,"
Hebre s 12:16.
4. For th se reasons, God said, "Esau have I hated,"
Roman 9:13.
B. Jacob w Rebekah's favorite, vs 28.
1. Jacob d sired the covenant promise, but was unwilling
to wait or God to give it to him.
2. He che ted Esau out of the birthright.
3. Later,e stole (by lying and deceit) the blessing that
Isaac f y intended to bestow upon Esau.
A. Jacob's bi ing.
1. Was ob . ed by less than honorable means, Genesis
27:18-2 .
2. The ble sing included:
a. Fr itfulness-rdew of heaven," vs 28.
b. Pro perity--"plentyof corn and wine,"vs 28.
c. Int rnational honer=all nations to serve him, vs
d. E tation over brethren-- Lord over his
bre hren, vs 29.
e. Ho or among his own people.
f. A c se upon his enemies--"cursed be everyone
that curseth thee. "
g. A lessing to his friends--"Blessed"be he that
ble seth thee. II
3. In many respects Jacob was a scoundrel in the ways of
the wor d, but he had respect to the divine promise.
. 7·
4. Per ps his worst fault was his impatience and
un I' gness to wait on God.
B. Enter E u, Genesis 27:30-33.
1. diately followingJacob's exit.
2. Intr duced himself, correctly, as the firstborn,
3. Now Isaac seemed to fully realize what had just gone
befo e, and it caused him to tremble "very
exce dingly,"vs 33.
a. saac may have suspected trickery all along.
b. ut he was controlled by the Spirit of God and
as compelled to bless Jacob.
c. ow recognizing God's will, he said, "Yea,and he
hall be blessed," vs 33.
C. morse, Genesis 27:34-40.
ept bitterly.
ecause of the loss of the material blessings,and
ecause he was outsmarted by his brother, Jacob.
2. did not repent, but begged for a blessing, vs 38.
3. .d not receive a blessing as such, but a prophetic
reve tion of his future.
a. ven though he did not value the spiritual, he
ould enjoy heaven's goodness, vs 39; (cf
atthew 5:45).
b. e would live by his sword, vs 40.
c. ometime in the future, his descendants would
btain dominion over Jacob's descendants, vs 40;
cf II Kings 8:20-22).
Hebrews 11: 1.
A. Gave J seph two portions in Israel, Genesis 48:22.
B. He thus expressed his faith in God's promise.
C. He extr cted an oath that Joseph would bury him
in Can
D. Then J cob worshiped God, leaning on his staff,
Hebrew 11:21.
A. Faith .orrectly expressed is a blessing and
encourgement to children and grandchildren.
:A. Faith correctly expressed is a blessing and encourgement
1. Pare ts, does your faith encourage your children to
wors ip God?
::to children and grandchildren.
-8 -
::1. Parents, does your faith encourage your children to worship God?

[ Index]
[ Index]

Revision as of 23:07, 28 June 2024

This needs OCR cleanup

by O H Griffith

Blessings of Faith

Text: Hebrews 11.2 ,21.


A. Faith is accepting without reservation
that which cannot seen nor understood by human reasoning.
B. This principle is remarkably demonstrated in the incidents
to which our text makes reference.

I. ISAAC'S SON . Genesis 25.24-28.

A. Esau was Isaac's favorite, Genesis 25.28
1. Esau did not value the promises of God,
but lived for the things of this world.
2. He despised his birthright, Genesis 25.34
3. He was "profane (godless, sacrilegious) person,"
Hebrews 12.16
4. For these reasons, God said, "Esau have I hated," Roman 9.13
B. Jacob was Rebekah's favorite, vs 28.
1. Jacob desired the covenant promise,
but was unwilling to wait or God to give it to him.
2. He cheated Esau out of the birthright.
3. Later, he stole (by lying and deceit) the blessing
that Isaac fully intended to bestow upon Esau.


A. Jacob's blessing
1. Was obtained by less than honorable means, Genesis 27.18-25
2. The blessing included:
a. Fruitfulness- "dew of heaven," vs 28.
b. Prosperity--"plenty of corn and wine," vs 28.
c. International honer - all nations to serve him, vs 29
d. Exaltation over brethren-- Lord over his brethren, vs 29.
e. Honor among his own people.
f. A curse upon his enemies--"cursed be everyone that curseth thee."
g. A blessing to his friends--"Blessed"be he that blesseth thee."
3. In many respects Jacob was a scoundrel in the ways of the world,
but he had respect to the divine promise.
4. Perhaps his worst fault was his impatience
and unwillingness to wait on God.
B. Enter Esau, Genesis 27.30-33
1. Imeddiately following Jacob's exit.
2. Introduced himself, correctly, as the firstborn,
3. Now Isaac seemed to fully realize what had just gone before,
and it caused him to tremble "very exceedingly,"vs 33.
a. Isaac may have suspected trickery all along.
b. But he was controlled by the Spirit of God
and was compelled to bless Jacob.
c. Now recognizing God's will, he said,
"Yea,and he shall be blessed," vs 33.
C. Esau' remorse, Genesis 27.34-40
1. He wept bitterly.
a. Because of the loss of the material blessings,
and because he was outsmarted by his brother, Jacob.
2. Esau did did not repent, but begged for a blessing, vs 38.
3. He did not receive a blessing as such,
but a prophetic revelation of his future.
a. Even though he did not value the spiritual,
he would enjoy heaven's goodness, vs 39; (cf Matthew 5.45)
b. He would live by his sword, vs 40.
c. Sometime in the future, his descendants
would obtain dominion over Jacob's descendants, vs 40;
cf 2 Kings 8.20-22


A. Gave Joseph two portions in Israel, Genesis 48.22
B. He thus expressed his faith in God's promise.
C. He extracted an oath that Joseph would bury him in Canaan
D. Then Jacob worshiped God, leaning on his staff, Hebrew 11.21


A. Faith correctly expressed is a blessing and encourgement
to children and grandchildren.
1. Parents, does your faith encourage your children to worship God?
