Resurrection Faith

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Resurrection Faith

by O H Griffith

Text: Hebrews 11.35


A. Seve women have been mentioned as faithful in Heb ws 11: Sarah, Jochebed, Rahab, Deborah.

B. Toda's text records: "Women received their dead rais to life again.'

1. S restorations to life are recorded in the Bible.

2. F ur of the six were raised up and restored to w men.

C. n will discuss the four that were raised up tored to these women. e faith of each woman is demonstrated in each in ident.

2. eir faith serves to encourage others to like faith.

3. ere were also "spin-off'benefits.

I. THE WID W OF ZAREPHATH,I Kings 17:1-24.

A. She' the woman to whom God sent Elijah during the fine in the reign of King Ahab.

B. The eath of the woman's son brought her sin to reme brance, vs 18.

1. W are not told what the sin was. Some suppose she formerly lived the life of a harlot, and the son was bo n of harlotry.

2. If rue, this incident but magnifies the grace of God, an the availability of salvation to the most sinful.

C mpare:

a. The salvation of Rahab the harlot, and

b. The fidelity of Mary Magdalene.

3. T e woman's language suggests both anger and de pair.

C. Elijah s prayer, verses 20-22.

1. H seems to question this stroke from the Lord.

2. Bu we probably should think it but a lack of un erstanding.

D. The c ild restored to life.

1. Br ught joy to his mother, vs 24.

2. Co vinced her that Elijah was "a man of God"; lit ally that he was God's man.


3. Confirme that the word of God in his mouth was truth.

E. Another less n: It is grace, not judgment, that wins people to th Lord.


A. She is call a "great woman," vs 8.

1. She had een perception, vs 9.

2. She pre ed accommodationsfor the man of God, VB 10.

B. Elisha wished to reward her, verses 11-16.

1. She dec~~d to be recommended to the king.

2. She pre~~tredto dwellamong her own people, vs 13.

C. She was chi dless, vs 14.

1. Elisha pr mised that she would give birth to a child. She remo strated:

a. "Nay,my lord, thou man of God,

b. "Do ot lie unto thine handmaid,"vs 16.

2. She gave irth to a son as Elisha promised, vs 17.

D. Mterward t e son died.

1. This did ot weaken the woman's faith nor cause anger.

2. She turn d to God in her sorrow, not from Him.

3. Notice he complaint to the prophet, vs 28; compare with vs 1 .

E. Some trut she learned:

1. That the God who gave a child to enfeebled nature, can as e ily give back that child from death.

2. Her faith in God and her confidence in God's man was furt r confirmed,

III. THE WIDOW 0 NAIN, Luke 7:11-15.

A. We do not ow if this woman was a believer.

B. She was a 'dow, and this dead man was her only child. She w not even as fortunate as Naomi who had a lovin daughter-in-law.

C. Some lesso to be learned:

1. Jesus has compassionon those who sorrow,vs 13. This affirmed is humanity.

2. He resto ed the young man to life, verses 14 and 15.

This affir ed His deity.

3. The Pro e of Peace is stronger than the King of Terrors.

4. D ath is not so mighty as the sinner's Friend.

D. Furl er results of the incident:

1. T e man was given a new lease on life.

a. It would be of interest if we could know what use he made of it.

b. Compare with Hezekiah's extension of life.

2. A widowed mother received her son back from the bers of death. Her despair gave way to rejoicing d hope.

3. F ar fell on the people, vs 16.

4. T ey glorifiedGod, but notice the lack of real faith on t ir part.

a. Considered Jesus only a great prophet such as Elijah and Elisha.

b. Declared God had visited His people in the person of a prophet, but failed to perceive that He had visited them in person the Son.


A. This 88 a magnanimous family.

B. It ap ars that they often entertained Jesus and His d· ciples.

C. When Lazarus became ill they sent word to Jesus, vs 3.

D. Clearl they seemed disappointed when Jesus did not lve before Lazarus died.

E. Some essons to be learned:

1. t illness and even death can be used of God to get glo to Himself, vs 4.

2. Je us is touched by the grief of believers,vs 35.

3. t Jesus is the resurrection and the life, vs 25.

4. t He can restore to life a body regardless of the e of its decomposition. t one day all the dead will arise.

V. RESURRECTION,"Hebrews 11:35.

The tter is, "The resurrection of life" eternal, John :28,29.

B. The n t better is, "The resurrection of damnation," John :29.


A. There is God, and He has the power of life and death.

B. When tra edy strikes, believers should not despair, nor charg God, but should look to Him and claim His promi es.

C. This pres nt life is not all there is to our existence.

D. There is resurrection of life, and there is a resurrecti n of damnation--judgment.

1. The fir t is Heaven.

2. The s ond is Hell.

3. In whic willyou be?
