Paul a Servant of God

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Text: Titus 1:1-4 ,I

Intro: This is Paul's letter to Titus.

Titus was Paul's son in the ministry or common faith.

This implies Titus was probably saved under Paul's ministry

or at least had surrendered to preach under Paul.

Paul always started his letters out with setting forth his relationship to God

through the Lord Jesus.

In his letter he referred to himself as the servant apostle, and prisoner of Jesus Christ.

Paul really felt this way about the Lord and his relationship to the Lord

He felt it was reasonable to serve the Lord to the best of his ability

in light of what Jesus had done for him. In this letter he sets forth the fact of his being the lord's servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ.


A. The man

1. Paul, the se ant use to be Saul of Tarsus. Saul was a religious Ios I Pharisee.

2. He was very zealous in the Jew's religion above many his equal.

3. He became the great apostle Paul who was the beloved brother and preacher in Christ

4. The one who had persecuted others was willing to be persecuted t1rr Christ.

He suffered much for the Lord.

B. The Master

1. The Master ad hand picked Saul to be His chosen vessel to spread the gospel everywhere.

2. Paul was th1 servant or slave of Jesus Christ He acknowledged Jesus as the Lord or Master.

3. Preachers even wonder at the men God has chosen to preach and pastor His churches.

We may not know what we are doing, but the Lord knows what He is doing.

4. Paul prove to be an obedient and yielded servant of the Lord.

He went where the Lord wanted him to go.

e. The ministering

1. The wor~ for servant means slave. Paul was God's slave.

2. The war apostle means messenger. Paul was the messenger of God.

3. Paul was chosen to present the truth of the Lord and to serve the Lord in the way the Lord wanted Him to serve.

D. The marvel

1. Paul was a servant of God and apostle of God according to the fai h.

2. Paul acknowledged the truth. Jesus teaches us the truth will make us free. John 8:32

3. He acknowledged the truth which is after godliness.

4. God loa ed for a man and found one in Saul of Tarsus who had persecuted His people.


A. The life

1. The save have the hope of eternal or everlasting life in Jesus Ch ist.

2. Hope me s expectation. We are expecting eternal life.

3. This is nit thinking, hoping, or guessing we will receivedernallife. It is expecting it.

B. The love

1. Try to derstand or comprehend the love that God has for us. John 3:16

2. We are g~ilty and worthy of God's judgment and wrath, but instef? He offers eternal life to us. John 3:36

3. One day fhe Lord will present us to the heavenly Father as the fi~ished product of the Redeemer's grace.

4. He will resent us unblameable and unreproveable to the Fath r.

C. The lying n~t

1. For some reason Paul teaches us that God cannot lie.

2. Study w at is written in Hebrews 6:19,20. It is impossi le for God to lie.

3. We may make promises that we can not keep. God is able to promise us and keep what He has promised us.

D. The legal-promi e

1. God has mad us a legal promise. It is as binding as a business deal

2. He has promi ed us etemallife. Remember that God can't lie.

3. This promise was given before the world began. In the counsel halls of eternity God decided to redeem man with eternal alvation.


A. The time

1. In due time od has done something. God's time is always right.

2. His timing i not according to our timing. It is different.

3. When the ti e is right for God, He manifests His divine will to m nd.

B. The teaching

1. God manife ted His word through preaching. God has chosen the f olishness of preaching to reach mankind. I Corinthians :18-21

2. God calls m n into the ministry to preach the Word of God. II Tim thy 4: 1,2

3. The prophet in the Old Testament use to proclaim, Thus saith t e Lord.

e. The trust

1. The Lord h s committed the preaching of His Word to men that H calls into the ministry.

2. God commi s the preaching of the Word to man. He did this with Pa 1.

3. God trusts s to preach the Word as it is to men as they are. A prea her who loves the Lord will want to make sure he pre ches the truth.

D. The truth

1. God gives t ose called to preach a commandment. He 39cornman ed Timothy through Paul to preach the Word. II Timot 4: 1,2

2. Paul gav Timothy a charge. It was to preach the Word of God. imothy was to be instant in season and out.

3. The prea her has a responsibility and will one day give an acco t of His ministry and preaching.


A. The fruit

1. Paul refe ed to Titus as his own son after the common faith.

2. This cou d refer to the fact Titus surrendered to preach under Pa l's ministry. The apostles often referred to converts s their children in the Lord.

3. Those w 0 witness for the Lord will see some saved by His grac .

B. The faith

1. The trut of God makes people free. John 8:32

2. God will always bless the preaching of His holy Word. Isaiah 55:11

3. Faith is ital in salvation and it is vital in the Christian life. I Jo 5:4,5

C. The favor

1. Paul a onished Titus about the grace of God.

This was a co ton greeting to believers. Grace is God offering 0 man what man does not deserve. II Corinthi ns 12:9

2. Paul ad onished Titus about the mercy of God. Titus 3:5 His ercies are renew every day. Lam. 3:22 Mercy is God withholding from man what he does deserve.

3. Paul ad onished Titus about the peace of God. Weare to let it e in our hearts. Colossians 3: 15
