Pleasing Faith

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Pleasing Faith

Text: Hebrews 11.5-6


A. E~ryOne has faith in something.

B. B t faith that procures salvation must accept the p mises of God.

C. Tb' ugh faith (verses 1-3):

1. We have the "things hoped for."

2. "The evidence of things not seen."

3. We obtain "a good report" before God and man.

4. We know the origin of the univs and life in it.

D. O~ text deals with the pleasing faith of Enoch. HISTO CAL BACKGROUND OF ENOCH, Genesis 5:21-24

A. He was the seventh generation from Adam, Jude 14.






Adam was 622 years old when Enoch was born. Enoch was 308 years old when Adam died. t is a reasonable assumption that Enoch sat at the eet of the aged sage, Adam, and Learned about God and creation.

1.Learned about sin, and how God made provision to deal with the sin problem.

B. En h's son, Methuselah.

1. I he name, Methuselah," means, "It [judgment] shall be ent," when he has died.


2. Yery soon after Methuselah died the flood came.

3. Lf there had been men of faith (other than Noah and I f~y) living, they would have become

a. Increasingly concerned as Methuselah grew older;

b. Even more so when he became feeble and ill; and

c Greatly alarmed when he died.

4. If there had been men of faith living, they would have jJined Noah in building the ark.


A. Enocl walked with God, Genesis 5:22.

1. walk with God is to walk in the same direction God is walking. -

2. I is a life of discipline, obedience and dedication to G d.

3. His w k with God condemned the world of unbelie ers.

B. Only one ther, Noah, is said to have walked with God, Gene is 6:9. .

C. Enoch's w not the longest life on earth, but it must have been a very happy and satisfying life.

1. It is not how long one lives that is most important, but

2. It is w t he does with the years he lives.


A. By faith, h pleased God.

B. His life te tified of God, and he knew that he pleased G

C. His faith gave him peace, satisfaction and assurance.

D. By faith E och prophesied, Jude 14.

1. Concer g approaching judgment on the wicked sinners, as evidenced in the name he gave his son, Methus lab.

2. Concer g the coming of Christ.

a. By hose sacrifice mankind is redeemed from sin.

b. He so prophesied of His corningagain in glory.


A. Enoch was privileged to "walk with God: and he was not; fo God took him," Genesis 5:24.

B. He was "tr slated that he should not see death," Hebrews 11:5.

C. Significant onsiderations:

1. Enoch's translation before the flood:

a. Typ of living saints who will .be translated (rapured) before the tribulation judgments, I The salonians 4:14-17.

b. "Go' hath not appointed us to wrath," I The salonians 5:9.

2. Noah w left on the earth, but preserved through the judgmen of the flood.

a. Typ of Jews, and perhaps some others, who will be ept through the tribulation judgments, Jeremi 30:5-9; Revelation 12:13-16.

b. Thes will be brought into the Millennial kingdom with hrist as the King.

D. Man have died, but by faith have claimed God's prom ses:

1. T comfort them in death and after, and

2. T raise up the body in glory at His coming.

a. The dead in Christ shall rise, I Thessalonians 4: 16.

b. Then death is swallowed up in victory, I Corinthians 15: 51-54.


A. Faith s belief, trust, in God. The person who doubts does ot have faith.

B. To be saved, one MUST believe that God is.

1. A erson who doubts the existence of God cannot be sa ed.

2. It s impossible to trust God if His existence is doubt· ed

C. To be saved one must believe that God will save those ho trust Him.

1. H saves all who seek Him in real faith.

2. Th prophet urged: "Seek ye the Lord while he may be fo d, call ye upon him while he is near," Isaiah 55:6.


A. The wards of "pleasing faith" are many.

1. By it Abel "obtained witness that he was righteous."

2. En h gained assurance that he pleased God.

3. No believed God and saved himself and his family fro the flood.

B. Enoch pleased God and enjoyed a wonderful relatio ship with Him.

1. He walked with God. Note, it is not said that God w ed with Enoch.

2. Go does not walk with men, but every man, woman, bo and girl can walk with God by faith.

C. Enoch was translated. Since then he has enjoyed even ater fellowship with God.

D. By his faith, Enoch invites all to walk with God.
