Uncompromising Faith

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Text: Hebrews 11.33


A. The temp ion to compromise often arises.

1. It is e to stand for the truth among a group of truth 10 g people.

2. It is mor difficult in the midst of unbelievers.

B. Young peo Ie are particularly vulnerable to peer pressures.

C. The Bible n es several young people who, though under ext me pressures, refused to compromise their convi tions about God.

1. Joseph d right in spite of the pressures upon him.

2. David s rved God and Israel to the point of endange ing his own life.

3. Timothy as a faithful young man.

D. An especi ly outstanding example of faith is Daniel. DANIEL'S FAI MATTER OF

A. Hekneww God.

B. Had he reasoned:

1. God has truck me a low blow;He no longer cares for me.

2. I am no longer in Judah and am not obligated to observe tJ e laws and customs of our land.

3. None of y family and friends will ever know.

4. Who am that I should disobeythe king and refuse to eat his at and drink his wine?

5. If God co d not keep me from this place, why should I expect to keep me in this place?

C. But Daniel ould not compromise his faith in God.


A. The king h forgotten his dream and Daniel, as a last resort, as called.

B. Under simi ar conditions, what would you have done?

I. H WAS UNCOMPROMISING IN THE TING AND DRINKING, Daniel 1:8. at was right and wrong in the sight of n less dedicated, he might have

1. iel knew, the astrologers, magicians, etc., were es.

2. H might have made a deal with the king to destroy th m.

3. H could have demanded special favors, as freedom to re urn to his homeland.

4. H could have claimed honor and praise to himself.

C. But aniel's faith would not yield to such temp tions.

1. H honestly acknowledged that no man could reveal th king's secret.

2. H credited God only as able to understand such m steries.

3. H confessed that God revealed the secret, and that he (Daniel)was not wiser than other men, Daniel 2:30.

D. Danie did not request personal promotion or favor, but di request such for his friends, Daniel 2:49.


MATTER F SIN IN mGH PLACES, Daniel 4:4-27.

A. Too any are inclined to murmur, complain and critic' e public officials when they ought to be prayi g for them.

B. Danie did not compromise his faith.

1. H interpreted the king's vision.

2. H advised the king to repent, and possibly avoid G 's judgment.

C. The . g did not repent, and in due time the stroke of di . e judgment fell.

D. Danie continued to serve God and promote the best' terests of the kingdom.


A. Again aniel was called to reveal a secret only after all ot rs had failed.

B. The q een mother remembered and Daniel was summ ned.

C. Given he circumstances, what will he do?

1. He obeyed the summons, but was firm, unyielding and un ompromising.

2. He told it like it was: "let thy gifts be to thyself, and giv thy rewards to another," vs 17.

3. Nevert eless, he gave the meaning of the handwriting.

D.. He remind d the king of past events, from which he should ha learned.

1. The glo of his father, Nebuchadnezzar.

2. God'sj dgments upon Nebuchadnezzar.

3. Knowin these things, Belshazzar had refused to humble himself before God.

4. Read D ·eI5:23-31.


A. Persecuti does not weaken the faith of the faithful.

B. Christians should obey the laws of the land, but when thos laws conflict with the divine laws, they have no ri ht to exist.

C. The king's decree forbidding prayer.

1. Daniel de no public show of his purpose, but quietly prayed he was in the habit of doing.

2. He was promptly arrested and thrown to the lions.

D. His unco romising faith sustained him there.

E. God deli" red Daniel.


A. God sus ns His faithful servants in the trials of life.

B. Christians should reject the world'sways when they conflict th God's ways.

C. Faith tri in the crucible of persecution is further enhanced hereby.

D. God will n t permit trials and temptations too great for His se ant to overcome, I Corinthians 10:13.
