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Revelation 20: 1-15

There are some who hold to what they call

"the general Resurrection and th general Judgment."

They teach all the dead will be resurrected at the same time,

and that all people will be judged at the same time.

Such an idea is foreign to the Scriptures.

The chapter we are studying at this time,

along with other passages,

will show us the error of this teaching.


A. The order of the resurrection of the righteous

is set in 1 Corinthians 5:20-23.

1. Christ is the first fruits of the resurrection.

2. "Afterward they that are Christ's at His coming."

3. So the order is, Christ first, then those who are saved will be raaised when He comes.

B. The first resurrection will take place when Christ comes in the air for his people, 1 Thess 4.16-17

1. The resurrection of the just, Luke 14: 14.

2. Paul's desire to "attain unto the resurrection of the dead.",


3. If there was only one,

Paul would have not had to seek to attain it.

This verse really reads "resurrection out from among the dead."

4. Where the resurrection of the saved is spoken of,

in the Greek it is always preceded by the preposition "ek" out.

C. John told us fthe "first resurrection." Rev.20:5,6

1. He speaks of the "rest of the dead".

These did not come forth until after the others

had been raised one thousand ears before.

2. Those in the first resurrection

live and reign with Christ one thousand years.

3. The wicked dead come forth at the end of this one thousand years.

D. The resurrection of the wicked is spoken of

as a resurrection unto judgment, John 5:29; Daniel 12:2.

I. We are not told many things about this resurrection,

yet we know they will have bodies, Mark 9:43-47.

2. They are to be judged according to their works

and cast into e lake of fire, Rev.20:7-15.


A. There is a judgment for believers, I Cor.3: 11-15; II Cor.5: 10.

1. It is a judgment of works to test the faithfulness of believers.
2. It is a judgment to determine the rewards received.

B. There is a judgment of the unbeliever, Rev.20:11-15.

1. It is called the "White Throne Judgment."
2. It is a throne of eternal justice.
a. It is no human court, Rev.20:12; Rom.3:19.
b. Here rcords are examined, Rev.20:12; Dan.7:10.
c. Here eternal destiny is settled. Hell is the eternal

place fthe unsaved, Rev.20:15.

3. The unsaved will have an eternal punishment.
4. Condemnation already passed, John 3: 17-18.
5. At the White Throne the final sentence will be passed,

Matt.7:21 23.

C. Those who a already condemned

can have this condemnatio removed by trusting Christ, John 5 :24

"Verily, veril ,I say unto you,
He that heareth my word,
and believeth on him that sent me,
hath everlasting life,
and shall not orne into condemnation,
but is passedfrom death u to life."
