Honoring Faith

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Honoring Faith

Text: Hebrews 11:


A. The elev nth chapter of Hebrews lists many heroes and hero nes of faith, and many others not named are clear y implied.

B. For this s udy, the heroes of faith are implied in the text: the Three Hebrew Children," Daniel 3.

C. Definitios of words:

1. Faith is believing, trusting, acting upon a matter witho t knowinghowit operates or the outcomeofthe action

2. To ho or is to respect, obey, stand up for, or praise anoth r; in this case God.

D. The hero s of the text honored God at a time when

1. It was unpopular, and

2. It imp riled their very lives.

a. I this they serve as examplesand encouragement fo Christians today.

b. T eir faith in honoringGodshould motivate us to h nor God whatever the circum-stances or the p rsonal cost.

I. A GOLDEN I GE, Daniel 3:1-7.

A. God had vealed the future to Nebuchadnezzar in a dream, aniel 2:28.

1. An im e of gold,silver, brass, iron and clay.

2. Each etal represented a kingdomand an era.

B. The head of gold was Nebuchadnezzar.

C. When he understood this, the king was lifted up with prid . Such pride is always dangerous.

1. "Pride oeth before destruction,and an haughty spirit before a fall,"Proverbs 16:18.

2. Pride I d to Lucifer's downfall,Isaiah 14:12-17.

3. It pre ipitated the downfall of Haman the Agagite, Esther chapters 3 to 7.

4. Nebuc adnezzar's pride eventually brought on his downfa , Daniel 4:30-33.

D. Nebucha nezzar built an image of gold, Daniel 3:1.

1. Its hei ht was 60 cubits -- 90 feet.

2. Its bre dth was 6 cubits -- 9 feet. HONORING FAITH

3. Som see in this a likenessto the nwnber of the beast of R velation 13:18 -- the nwnber "666."

E. The im ge was set up on the plain of Dura. All the import t men of the kingdom were invited, perhap commanded, to be present for the unveili g.

1. The est musiciansand entertainers of the worldwere en ed for the occasion.

2. At a prearranged signal,everyonewas commandedto pros rate himself in worship of the image.

3. The e could be no exceptions.

II. THREE S BBORN JEWS, Daniel 3:8-23.

A. Every ler has his dissidents.

B. When subjects dissent on strong religious convict ons, the ruler's problems are greatly compo nded.

C. Nebuc adnezzar had such dissidents.

1. The were three Jews.

2. The also were high governmentalofficials.

D. Visuali e the scene:

1. Tho sands of people from every part of the vast em . e were present.

2. The band played a moving, exciting and highly pat 'otic number,

3. At prearranged signaleveryonebowedin worshipof the e.

E. But th e Jews did not bow.

1. Sha ach, Meshach and Abednego stood erect as stat es.

2. I ediately, they were accused to the king, vs 12.

F. They s nd before the king. Commenton verses 16-18.

G. They ould rather honor God and burn than worshi the idol and live. m. THE DIVI E PRESENCE, Daniel 3:23-25.

A. God n er forsakes His own.

1. Th ugh He choosesto let many suffer at the hands of the enemies, they are not forsaken.

2. Th re is no fear for the Christian passing through the vall y of death, Psalm 23:4.

B. These en had honored God; what would God do for the ?
