Loyal Faith

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Loyal Faith

Text: Hebrews 11:37.


A. To be loyal i to be faithful and dependable.

B. Faith is tr .ting God to do exactly as He has promised, th ugh we may not understand neither the how nor the why.

C. Real faith in God, properly exercised, will be loyal.

D. John the Ba tist is mentioned only indirectly in the text.

1. Others "w re slain with the sword."

2. John the Baptist was slain with the sword under unusual C· -cumstances,


A. He was divi ely sent to witness, verses 6-8.

B. His witness as based in his faith.

1. At the ti e Jesus had not been fully revealed to him as the Sa 'or, vs 33.

2. Later his witness was based on both faith and experienc , vs 34.

C. He did not eek a name for himself, but for his Lord'.

1. Some oft e priests and Levites, seemingly, were ready to proc . him the Messiah, vs 19.

2. He denied that he was the Christ and affirmed that he was simpl preparing the way of the Lord, verses 20 and 23.

D. He was not j alous.

1. He prepar d his disciples to followJesus and was glad when the did, verses 36 and 37.

2. He rejoic d as "the friend of the bridegroom,n John 3:29.

3. There is n place for jealousy on the part of any in the Lord's wo k.

4. Paul rejoi ed that the gospel was preached by any means, P ippians 1:15-18.


A. He preache that people should repent of their sins, vs 3.


B. He ur ed people to prepare for the coming of Christ vs 4.

C. He ref sed to baptize those who gave no evidence of hang repented, verses 7 and 8.

D. He w ned of divine judgment, vs 9.

E. He wis ly counseled those who asked his advice, vs 10.

1. Sh w charity (love), vs 11.

2. Pr ctice honesty in business, verses 12 and 13.

3. No ice his advice to the soldiers, vs 14.

F. His p aching left the people in a state of expec cy, vs 15.

m, JOHN WA LOYAL TO DEATH, Mark 8:14-29.

A. It is a d condition when a person has abandoned his fai h, having made shipwreck of it.

1. Pa was disappointed in some who did this, II T' othy 4: 10.

2. Ju e mentions some who were "cloudswithout water," Ju e 12.

3. M y church members seem to think they are fooling th people by their pious conduct on Sunday mornings.

a. One may fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but he can never fool all of the people all of the time,

b. And, of course one never fools God any of the time.

B. Rep f of sin in "high places" landed John in jail, vs 18.

1. H rodias harbored a grudge against John, vs 19.

2. H rod admired John, but evidently did not trust the C ist whom he preached, vs 20.

C. A dan ing girl, and too much alcohol caused Herod .to mea fool of himself, verses 22 and 23.

1. In counsel with her mother,the girl requested John's he d, verses 24 and 25.

2. H rod was trapped by his stubborn stupidity.

a. His heart said, "Don't kill John," vs 26.

b. His befogged mind said, "Ifyou don't you willlose the respect of your friends, and antagonize Herodias," vs 26.

3. W he listen to his heart or his head?
