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[[The Tabernacle Page 1]] - Materials Used 

Tabernacle may be studied in four different ways
==  Materials Used: ==


[[The Tabernacle Page 4]] - Tabernacle in the old testament
1. Gold----------------------------Deity

[[The Tabernacle Page 5]]
2. Silver--------------------------Atonement

[[The Tabernacle Page 6]]
3. Brass---------------------------Judgment

[[The Tabernacle Page 7]] - - [[Aaron's Rod that Budded]]  - - - The kinship of Jesus - - - Mercy Seat
4. Blue----------------------------Heavenly

[[The Tabernacle Page 8]]
5. Purple--------------------------Royalty

[[The Tabernacle Page 9]]
6. Scarlet-------------------------Blood

[[The Tabernacle Page 10]]
7. Fine Linen----------------------Righteousness

[[The Tabernacle Page 11]]
8. Goat's hair---------------------Substitution

[[The Tabernacle Page 12]]
9. Ram's skin----------------------Blood of consecration

[[The Tabernacle Page 13]]
10. Badger skin--------------------Humility

[[The Tabernacle Page 14]]
11. Shittim wood-------------------Imperishability

[[The Tabernacle Page 15]]
12. Oil----------------------------Holy Spirit
13. Sweet incense------------------Intercession
14. Onyx stone---------------------Glory
.    Note:  14  = number of Salvation; 2 x 7 = 14;  2 = union;
.    7 = perfection:  We are united to God through Christ
== Tabernacle a type of: ==
1. Jesus Christ
2. Believer
3. [[Church]]
== May be studied in four different ways ==
1. As described
2. As constructed
3. As set up(God to man) Divine order [[John 14]].16
4. As one would approach it.  (No external beauty)
.    The Tabernacle gives us a revelation of divine grace.
.    The Tabernacle gives us a revelation of divine order.
.    Grace that God should condescend to dwell among man.
.    Order that nothing should be done in His name by guess, will or plan of man,
.    but according to His pattern, His will, His plan.
.    Paul says, "Let everything be done decently and in order."
This Tabernacle which God so minutely instructed to be erected in the wilderness
is a picture and prophecy of the man in whom God would become incarnate. 
The man who should be His eternal dwelling place. 
This man is Christ:  [[John 1.14]]; Heb.2:14-16; 1 Tim.3:16;
Heb.1:3;  [[Titus 2.13]]; Col.1:16; 1 Tim.2:5; Heb.8:1. 
As we study the Tabernacle
you will find in every detail of its inspired construction
of the finished work and resplendent glory of our soon coming Lord.
1. Length = 30 cubits      45 feet
2. Height = 10 cubits      15 feet
3. Width  = 10 cubits      15 feet
1. 48 boards of Shittim wood
2. 20 boards each side
3. 6 boards across the back
4. 2 corner boards    (Each board was covered in pure gold and has two tenants)
(fingers at the bottom of each board that fit into two sockets of silver)
1. Weight          90 pounds each
2. 100 sockets of silver
3. 96 boards
4  4 under the pillars for the vale
.      Boards held in place by:
.      1. 15 wooden bars (covered in gold)
.      2. 5 on the north
.      3. 5 on the south            5 = Grace    3 = Trinity
.      4. 5 on the west              Trinity (3) x Grace (5) = Rest (15)
== Tabernacle in three parts ==
1. Holy Place   
2. Most Holy Place   
3. Outer Court where the people met
== MOST HOLY: ==
15 (rest) cubit square----15 x 15 square (REST)
Between the top were 4 pillars of wood covered with gold.  No design on the top.
BASE----4 sockets of silver
Veil of white linen, blue, purple, scarlet.
When the veil was rent
God rent it from the top to the bottom.
VEIL---Christ. Body of Christ. God killed Jesus on the cross.
The most Holy place was completely shut off from the rest of the tabernacle. 
There was no door.
The priest had to crawl under the veil to enter into the presence of God.
== Furniture in the most Holy Place:  ==
.      1. Ark of the Covenant.
.      2. Mercy seat with overshadowing cheribem.
.      3. Articles contained in the Ark:
.                a. Tables of stone (broken law, covered by blood, no works
.                b. Aaron's rod that budded (everlasting priesthood)
.                c. Golden pot of mana(Food of God for his people)
== Holy Place:  ==
1. 20 cubits long----------30 feet
2. 10 cubits wide----------15 feet
3. Golden alter of incense (PRAYER, INTERCESSION)
4. Golden candlestick (only light--Christ)
5. Table of shewbread (Christ, the bread of life)
6. Entrance---pillars of wood; sockets of brass (5) Ex.26;37,37
Note: The robe in which Jesus was tried and went to Calvary.
.      He was mocked before Herod and Pilate in a scarlet robe.
.      This scarlet was created by crushing a partcular worm and the
.      color became indelible after being dipped twice.
.      ''The scarlet robe mocked his prophetic office.''
.      He wore a white and silver robe belonging to Herod, a beautiful robe.
.      The white robe mocked his priesthood. He spoke no word.
.      [[John 19:1]]-4: He wore the purple robe mocking His Kingship.
.      The fourth color of the tabernacle vail is blue. Christ wore no blue
.      rode as none could deny His heavenly office.
== Tabernacle in the Old Testament: ==
I. As a christian (The Body---God dwells in body of the believer just as He did in the Tabernacle.
[[John 14.17]]-23 - where God is tabernacled we can meet with Him. Moses met with God in the tabernacle
A. 1 Cor 6.19-20
B. 2 Cor 5.1
C. 2 Cor 6.16
II. As a [[church]]
A. 1 Cor 12.12
B. Eph 2.19-20  Eph 5:30-31
C. [[Revelation 1.12]]-20
D. [[John 15.1]]; [[[[Revelation 19.7]]-9
III. As a Heavenly Pattern
A. Heb 4.14-16
B. Heb 8.5
C. [[John 1.14]]
IV. As Christ Priest
A. Heb 4.14-16  Heb 10.20
B. Heb 9.24-28  Heb 10.19
C. 1 Tim 2.5
The Tabernacle fence:
[[Exodus 27]].9-15
Size of the fence: 150 X 75 X 7 1/2
I. Fence as mediator
Mediator is under bond to offer something that will satisfy and draw together both parties.
A. 1 Tim 2.5
B. Heb 8.6
C. Heb 12.24
II. Brass used in pillars of the fence. Brass = judgment
A. [[Isaiah 29.6]] [[Isaiah 28.2]][[Isaiah 30.30]]
B. Num 21.8-9
C. Rev 1.15
III. Silver used in the pillars of the fence. Silver = atonement
(Note: The foundation was also made of silver
and silver was the type of salvation
and that by blood,
so it had to have a blood base.)
IV. As pillar in the church
A. Church pillars 1 Tim 3.15
B.  Individual pillars  Gal 2.9 & Rev 3.12
V.  Linen pictures the righteousness.
Note: Flax grew by the rivers in Egypt,
hung on a wooden cross to dry after being flayed.
Jesus was whipped.  Lev 6.10 [[Rev 15.6 Rev 19.8-9
Amen for us.
VI. The linen curtains tied to one another
by the silver hooks that were in the posts.
This means that we are joined to the Lord
and to one another by the Righteousness of Jesus Christ.
"He that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit." 1 Cor 6:17 [[1 Corinthians 6]]
The [[church]] is subject unto Christ.
"We are members of His body,
of His Flesh, of His bones." Eph 5:30 [[Ephesians 5]]
Note: When a sinner comes close to the Tabernacle
he should see, cords pulled tight,
brass pins driven deep,
brass shining, silver gleaming,
linen spotless white, all joined together,
each holding up his part, close to the Lord, pointing to the gate.
What man needs is a righteousness
that will meet the demands of God's Holiness. 
The sinner must be made to be as good as Jesus
to stand in the presence of God.
The Gate of the Court:
References: Ex 27.16; [[John 10.1]]-12; [[Psalms 118:.19]]-20
I. The three fours in this gate.
A. Four works of Jesus that He gives to us
when we come through his gate
1 Cor 1.30 ''But of him are ye in Christ Jesus,
who is of God is made unto us
wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption''
B. The four pillars mean His four sonships:
*1. The son of David. Matt 1:1 Heir to the throne Luke 1:32
*2. As the son of Abraham, He is the promised seed. Gal 3:16
*3. In Mark He is the promised Son of Man. Mark 2:10
**a. As such he has power to judge. Jn 5:26-27; Ac 16:31
**b. As the son he has the power to forgive sins on earth.
4. In John He is Son of God, God the Son, God the Word, God the
Creator, God in the flesh, God the Light, and as Thomas, My Lord,
and my God. Amen for me too!
C. The four gospels were here included.
II. The four colors and their meaning.
*A. White---Perfection and Righteousness
*B. Scarlet--Blood or sacrifice
*C. Purple--Royalty or Kingly colors
*D. Blue---Heaven, His home and ours someday
III. The four gospels
*A. Matthew--corresponds to the color or the King
*B. Mark-----corresponds to the suffering servant (scarlet)
*C. Luke-----corresponds to the white, the spotless man
*D. John-----corresponds to blue, the heavenly man
IV. Four groups in that day and now also:
*A. The Jews, who were the religious crowd in that day.
*B. The Romans, that were in power in that day.
*C. The Greeks, that gave the perfect language(the intellectuals)
*D. The Believers, the little group.
*A. Son of David        the kingdom
*B. Son of Abraham      the covenant
*C. Son of Man          the crucified
*D. Son of God          the kinsman
== VI. Four Paths ==
A. Path to the throne        Incarnation
B. Path to the covenant      Promise
C. Path to the Cross        Humiliation
D. Path to the redemption    The Blood
== VII. Sons by: ==
A. Son of David by      Birth
B. Son of Abraham by    Promise
C. Son of man by        Choice
D. Son of God by        Eternal generation
[[Aaron's Rod  that Budded]]:
[[Numbers 16]]. For the purpose of establishing the priesthood of Aaron against all controversy.
Christ will be a priest forever.
Rod budded --- Life out of death.
Golden Crown Around the Top of the Ark:
== The kinship of Jesus: ==
[[John 12]]; [[John 19:14]]; [[Psalms 2]]; [[Rev 19:16]]
== Mercy Seat: ==
Lid of the ark.  Made of pure gold, solid gold.  Each end a figure of cherubims.
All in one piece.
Lid of gold set in a grove and fit the ark perfectly. 
It is here that God meets man's representative, on the mercy seat.
It is a distinct symbol of our Lord Jesus Christ.
[[Rom 3:25]]
[[Propitiation]]---Mercy Seat  Only place sinner can meet God is at the mercy seat
We meet Jesus at the throne, we meet in Jesus' throne.
The mercy seat was all that could be seen.
No man hath seen God at any time (except the Son). 
He sat down at the right hand side of God.
The manna, the rod, the all-- all in the ark: mercy seat covers it all. 
The blood over all.
This is under the blood. [[Hebrews 10.19]]-20. The same thing that happened in heaven
is what happens to us when we are saved.
The Brazen Alter:
1. [[Exodus 27]]:1-8
A. Sweet savor                            [[Leviticus 1.3]] [[Leviticus 1.9]]
B. Burnt offering                        [[Ephesians 5.2]]
C. Place of sacrifice                    [[Hebrews 9.25]]-28
D. Place of death                        [[John 19.33]]-34
E. Place of blood                        [[Hebrews 9.12]]
F. Place of fire                          [[Leviticus 1.8]]
G. Place to eradicate sin                [[2 Corinthians 5.21]]
H. Place to put away iniquity            [[Isaiah 53.5]]
I. Place to find peace                    [[Romans 5.1]]
J. Place of decision                      [[Leviticus 1.3]]
K. Place to meet God                      [[Leviticus 1.5]]
L. Place of salvation                    [[John 19.30]]
II. The One offering                  [[Hebrews 9.25]]-28 [[Romans 3.23]]-28
III. Shittim wood  = Humanity
Brass              = Judgment
IV.  Ashes in pan, blood on ground(*), substitute on fire, boards in brass. [[2 Corinthians 5.7]]
Note: Blood stained:
(1) The alter    Protected from judgment
(2) The ground  Protected from hell
(3) The top of lintel (above door--heavenward)
Allowed God to view Person through Christ's blood
(4) The right side of door post
Protected from the evils of the surrounding world.
(5) the left side of the door post 
Protected from evils of the surrounding world.
Five blood stains (5 = grace)
V. Christ our eternal inheritance. [[Hebrews 9.11]]-15
The Alter:
I. [[Exodus 27]]:1-8
A. Its position
B. Its importance Lev 1:9; Heb 9:12; Eph 5:2
C. Its purpose  II Cor 5:20-21; Heb 9:26-28
D. Its accomplishment for us  Rev 1:5; John 1:29; John 14:16, 18, 26
The Laver:
I. [[Exodus 30]]:17-21
A. What was made of -- mirrors of the women-- shined brass
B. Its position in relation to other parts.
C. Its symbolic type of the written word. [[James 1]]:23-25
D. Are we washed in the Word of God?
Because this is the meaning here.  Eph 5:25-26
E. Cleansing word applied.  John 15:3
F. Washing of the laver.  [[Titus 3]]:5
G. Jesus and Nicodemus.  [[John 3]]
H. Wash that they die not.  Ex 30:21
A washed and confessed Christian  Psalms 24:3-4; I [[John 1]]:7-10.
A Christian must take a bath everyday in the Word of God or die.
The table of shewbread:
The table of Shewbread occupied the north side of Holy Place.
1. Constructed of shittim wood--indestructible humanity.
2. Overlaid with gold---deity.
3. On top we see 12 loaves of bread-
-6 in a row Christ--sufficient for all.
4. Bread was to be renewed every Sabbath.
Eating by the priests in the Holy Place.
We, as Christians, are kings and priests to God, and feed on Christ.
The table and bread are consider as one unit.
5. The table within the tabernacle
was the center of union between the priestly family.
A. We are spiritual priests.  [[1 Peter 2]]:5
B. As spiritual priests there is only one common union between us--Christ
C. The table was the center of nourishment for the priestly family.
The shewbread their divinely appointed food. Lev 24:9
D. The loves set forth Christ as the bread of life.
Those who eat will never die.
EAT--Appropriate to one's self.
E. When we are saved we do not stop eating.
We do not stop until death.
He is our strength and might.
F. How do we get the bread? 
Made of flour that is ground between the upper and nether mill stone. 
Upper--the hand of God 
Lower--the hand of man.
The Table of Shewbread: (continued)
I. Ex 25:23-30; Lev 24:5-9; Num 4:7-8
A. Located on the north side, made of incorruptible wood,
covered with pure gold.
Human and divine side of Christ.
B. Table and shewbread are to be considered as one.
He upheld the Jews and he holds the Church.
Perfect support. Amen. 1 Con 10:17;  2 Con 11:24.
We rest upon Him.  ________
C. The table is the center of union for the priests only. Lev 24:9;Rev 1:6;
I Peter 2:5; Heb 13:5.
D. The table was the center of daily nourishment for the priest's family only.
Lev 24:9; John 6:33; John 4:48-51. A thing grows by what it feeds on.
This bread was ground between the upper and lower millstones.
Frankincence was placed upon it before it was eaten, Thank you.
E. The table was in the center of fellowship for priestly family only,
no other place to gather, no other bread to eat, and no other reason to meet.
All other gatherings are false
and all other reasons for meeting are false.
Note: Here the priest came together. Here they found unity. 
Here they came into close and happy union with others. 
They came into close union with one another,
because they were gathered at the same table, eating the same bread,
to have harmony in the assembly of Christ. 
It is necessary to be occupied with him.
Only as we get close to Christ do we get close to one another.
Let a [[Church]] be taken up with Christ,
with the Glory of His eternal past,
the wonder of His redeeming in heaven now,
and the assurance of His eminent coming. 
Let a Church think Christ, talk Christ, love Christ, and serve Christ.
Where each shall have the same mind,
the mind of Christ, be at one in Christ,
where you live like this then that [[church]] will have her fruit of the Spirit.
Fruit of the Spirit: Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
meekness, temperance:
against such there is no law. Gal 5:22
II. Table of shewbread---eating of:
Eaten only after the priest had come by:
A. Brazen alter--judgment
B. Laver--cleansing
C. Under the veil (righteousness, linen, separation)
D. Candlestick(Jesus is The Light)
E. Table of shewbread (fed by fullness of God through Christ, seed)
II. The golden candlestick was made of beaten gold: Implications of beating gold:
A. As to Christ-- [[John 1.9]]
He was the true light.
"I am the light of the world" [[John 9.5]]
God is light [[1 John 1.5]]
B. Beaten by friends.
C. Beaten by the Sanhedrin
D. Beaten by Satin
E. Hammered by God
Nails driven in his hands and nails driven in his feet } all
of the above in Gods will.
III. Oil for Candlestick  [[Exodus 27.20]]-21  [[Exodus 25.38]]
A. Oil is for anointing. [[Leviticus 24.1]]-4
B. Light is to burn forever. [[Exodus 27.20]]
C. Beaten oil by children [[Exodus 27.20]]; [[Isiah 53.10]]
D. Church the reincarnation. [[Revelation 1.20]]; [[2 Corinthians 3.6]]
IV. Light's Burning dependent upon two things:
A. Our attendance on the light.
B. Keeping it clean. Soot was removed everyday.
Note: How to grow-- [[1 Peter 2.2]]; [[Romans 12.1]]-2; [[Ephesians 5.8]]
The children of Israel had to extract the oil and then apply it.
They had to carry the oil to the candlestick and fill the stick themselves.
We also carry the Holy Spirit wherever we go.
Christ is depending upon us by Holy Spirit to keep the light burning.
May the Lord help us here to have some real deduction here for the rest or our lives,
O Lord help us to think at the right time for we only have one time to do this work. Amen.
V. Position of the candlestick:
On the south: opposite the table of shewbread.
VI. Material:
Beaten pure gold
VII. Design of the candlestick:
One center shaft, three arms on each side = 7 (perfection)
Seven points concerning the candlestick:
1. Both light and light bearer--gave light, held up light.
2. Perfect symbol of Christ. [[John 1.9]]
3. Moral and spiritual light. God--man
4. Only light in the tabernacle. Priests walked, ate, worked, served in and by this
5. A constant testimony to the priest that they must not walk by natural light;
rather only in light provided by God.
6. In order to escape the light priest had to leave the Tabernacle.
7. The more preist walked in natural sunlight the less they could see inside
the Tabernacle. The more they walked in the Tabernacle by his light the less
they were able to stand the dazzling of the sunshine of the world.
(The brighter the light of Jesus grows in us, the dimmer must grow the lights
of this world)
Notice the seven branches and their joining together.
Before a [[church]] can be successful it must be joined to Christ.
The Alter of Incense:
Size:        Four square (2 cubits high, 1 cubit wide, 1 cubit long)
Materials:    Incorruptible shittim wood overlaid with gold
Design:      One horn in each corner
Crown of gold
Ring of gold in each corner
Two staves, placed directly in front of the veil
Tallest piece of furniture in Tabernacle
Held burning coals
Sweet incense burnt morning and evening
Symbol and prayer [[Psalm 141.2]]; [[Revelation 5.8]]
Prayer and worship is the activity of a redeemed people.
Prayer and worship is the action of the new nature.
The true expression of prayer in Christ.
Continued: Altar of Incense
Position: Before the cheurbims. Incense before gold. Ex 30:1-10
Ex 30:34-36; Lev 16:13 (Worship Chapter)
Our prayer (see design) in heaven Rev 8:3
Christ--as priest
Aaron--as type of Christ.  Heb 9:24; Jn. 17:9; Heb 8:1
Christ's prayer on this earth. Luke 22:32; Jn 17:1-26;
Matt 26:36-46
Christ's work beyond the grave. (Intercession)
I Cor 15:16-17; Heb 7:25; Rom 8:34; Heb 9:24; Heb 4:14
Ex 30:10
Mercy seat--Halasterion--Covering Ex 25:17-22;
Solid gold--pure deity.
Cherubim kneeling. Propitiation Rom 3:25; I Jn 4:10;
Luke 18:13; I Jn 2:1-2
Day of atonement--Lev 4:7; Heb 9:12
Ye shall be baptized with (in) the Holy Ghost not many days hence.  Acts 1:5
On the day of Pentecost while the apostles and disciples (all Jews) were gathered
the Holy Ghost fell on them. (Those baptized believers already had the Holy Ghost)
They all spoke in another tongue (or another language) wherein they were born.
Not an unknown tongue at all, but in common language
that they were born and then it names all the languages used there. 
A goodly number.  This was a prophecy fulfilled that day and prophesied by Joel. 
In Acts 2:32 this Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses.
Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted,
and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this,
which ye now see and here.  To shed fourth is to pour out. 
The out pouring of the Holy Spirit and giving the Comforter
were widely distinct from one another,
they are as far apart as the East is from the West. 
The out pouring is a promise of the Father. 
The promise of the Comforter was made by the Son previous to his death. 
The promise of the outpouring at Pentecost was made eight hundred years before our Lord was born.
The promise of the Comforter was made directly and individually by the Lord Himself.
The promise of Pentecost was made by the Father through Joel and that is spoken by the prophet Joel.
Acts 2:16  Note: The Holy Spirit came upon them (from the outside). 
He sat upon them,
we are born with the Spirit and by the Spirit, Born Again.
Court Fence:
I. Ex 27:9-19; Ex 38:9-17
II. 175 feet long; 87 1/2 feet wide
Held up by 60 pillars; 20 on each side 10 on each end Fence made of white linen
Eastern end had 4 pillars that formed the gate of the entrance into the court.
The camp outside was the dwelling of man
The tabernacle inside the fence was the dwelling of God
The court fence occupied a definite position between God and man
Jesus, the dividing line between God and man
The court fence so divided the people that there were only two people:
Those who had access to the tabernacle. In Christ.
Those that did not have access to the tabernacle. In sin.
The only difference between those on the inside and the ones on the outside
is their relation to the fence (not morals)
Fence---Christ as mediator  I Tim 2:5; Heb 8:6
A mediator is one who takes an office between two parties
A go between.
One who must offer something to satisfy both parties.
In satisfying the claims of each the mediator becomes one who reconciles
Christ----Mediator in these aspects
Linen Fence:
1. Tops of silver.
2. Bottom of brass.
3. Between atonement and judgement is the white linen which speaks of righteousness.
4. Perfect righteousness that will stand the test of judgement
Not man's righteousness. Isa 46:6.
5.Christ's righteousness. This same righteousness keeps people out
unless they come through the door.
6. Man cannot enter by morals.
Stops and some conditions in the wilderness:
1. Passover- redemption                                            Ex 12:1-8
2. Succoth--First step to Canaan                                      Ex 13:20
3. Etham- Here the pillar of fire came to guide them                      Ex 13:20
4. Baal-Zephon means Lord of the north                                    Ex 14:2
The last step before the Red Sea.
5. The Red Sea                                                            Ex 14:29
Resutlts in chapter 15. The song of the redeemed                          Ex 1:21
6. Wilderness of Shur (a wall)Your cannot go back to Egypt.          Ex 15:22
7. Marah (bitter waters) Tree cast into the waters made the waters sweet--
the cross of the Lord is pictured for us.
There are many bitter waters when we begin our walk with the Lord to Canaan,
but the cross and the Lord makes them all sweet.
8. Elim  Seventy palm trees and 12 wells of sweet water.
What a pity that some stop at Marah or in the wilderness of Shur
when a little more effort they could have made it to Elim. 
God helps us to not stop before the waters are made sweet to us.
Is the Lord Jesus sweet to you now?
9. Wilderness of Sin                          Ex 16:1 Exo 16:13-30
Bread, quails, Sabbath
10. Rephidim - No water                                Ex 17:1-2
Smite the rock "Water" Christ smitten and the water and the blood came forth.
At this time came Amalek.                        Ex 17:8
11. Sinai Ex 19:1  Grace traded for law. Ex 19:8 Law given.              Ex 20:1-17
NOTE: Now they had to have the tabernacle
Alter of Incense:
Ex 30:1-10; Ex 30:34-36
I. The incense is a type of prayer, especially the high priestly prayer of Jesus in John 17.
Christ is the highest example of prayer.
The altar of incense was the highest place in the Holy Place.
Importance of prayer.
Crown--Christ interceding as King
II. This way the last piece in the tabernacle before the curtain that
separated man and God.  This was the last prayer that Jesus prayed
before He went to the cross.  It is the tallest piece in the tabernacle.
III. Incense our prayers.  Rev 5:8; Rev 8:3-5
IV. They were to burn incense every morning and every evening.  Where
do you and I pray and do we have a set time.
V.  Aaron as a type of Christ praying for me.  John 17; Heb 9:24;
Heb 8:1; John 17:9; Luke 22:32
VI. His intercessory prayers now. Rom 8:34; Heb 9:24; I John 1:7
VII. Christ's work beyond the grave. Ex 30:10; I Cor 15:17; Ex 30:8
Heb 7:25; Heb 8:1-2
VIII. The importance of these prayers. Lev 16:12-14
IX. Our prayers now and then for all time.  Rev 8:3; John 14:6
X. Prayers Ps 139:22-23
1. Covering of fine white linen
2. Goat hair woven together
3. Ram skin dyed red
4. Badger skin

[[The Tabernacle Page 16]]

[[The Tabernacle Page 17]]

Latest revision as of 10:25, 28 November 2021

Materials Used:

1. Gold----------------------------Deity

2. Silver--------------------------Atonement

3. Brass---------------------------Judgment

4. Blue----------------------------Heavenly

5. Purple--------------------------Royalty

6. Scarlet-------------------------Blood

7. Fine Linen----------------------Righteousness

8. Goat's hair---------------------Substitution

9. Ram's skin----------------------Blood of consecration

10. Badger skin--------------------Humility

11. Shittim wood-------------------Imperishability

12. Oil----------------------------Holy Spirit

13. Sweet incense------------------Intercession

14. Onyx stone---------------------Glory

. Note: 14 = number of Salvation; 2 x 7 = 14; 2 = union;

. 7 = perfection: We are united to God through Christ

Tabernacle a type of:

1. Jesus Christ

2. Believer

3. Church

May be studied in four different ways

1. As described

2. As constructed

3. As set up(God to man) Divine order John 14.16

4. As one would approach it. (No external beauty)

. The Tabernacle gives us a revelation of divine grace.

. The Tabernacle gives us a revelation of divine order.

. Grace that God should condescend to dwell among man.

. Order that nothing should be done in His name by guess, will or plan of man,

. but according to His pattern, His will, His plan.

. Paul says, "Let everything be done decently and in order."

This Tabernacle which God so minutely instructed to be erected in the wilderness

is a picture and prophecy of the man in whom God would become incarnate.

The man who should be His eternal dwelling place.

This man is Christ: John 1.14; Heb.2:14-16; 1 Tim.3:16;

Heb.1:3; Titus 2.13; Col.1:16; 1 Tim.2:5; Heb.8:1.

As we study the Tabernacle

you will find in every detail of its inspired construction

of the finished work and resplendent glory of our soon coming Lord.


1. Length = 30 cubits 45 feet

2. Height = 10 cubits 15 feet

3. Width = 10 cubits 15 feet


1. 48 boards of Shittim wood

2. 20 boards each side

3. 6 boards across the back

4. 2 corner boards (Each board was covered in pure gold and has two tenants)

(fingers at the bottom of each board that fit into two sockets of silver)

1. Weight 90 pounds each

2. 100 sockets of silver

3. 96 boards

4 4 under the pillars for the vale

. Boards held in place by:

. 1. 15 wooden bars (covered in gold)

. 2. 5 on the north

. 3. 5 on the south 5 = Grace 3 = Trinity

. 4. 5 on the west Trinity (3) x Grace (5) = Rest (15)

Tabernacle in three parts

1. Holy Place

2. Most Holy Place

3. Outer Court where the people met


15 (rest) cubit square----15 x 15 square (REST)

Between the top were 4 pillars of wood covered with gold. No design on the top.

BASE----4 sockets of silver

Veil of white linen, blue, purple, scarlet.

When the veil was rent

God rent it from the top to the bottom.

VEIL---Christ. Body of Christ. God killed Jesus on the cross.

The most Holy place was completely shut off from the rest of the tabernacle.

There was no door.

The priest had to crawl under the veil to enter into the presence of God.

Furniture in the most Holy Place:

. 1. Ark of the Covenant.

. 2. Mercy seat with overshadowing cheribem.

. 3. Articles contained in the Ark:

. a. Tables of stone (broken law, covered by blood, no works

. b. Aaron's rod that budded (everlasting priesthood)

. c. Golden pot of mana(Food of God for his people)

Holy Place:

1. 20 cubits long----------30 feet

2. 10 cubits wide----------15 feet

3. Golden alter of incense (PRAYER, INTERCESSION)

4. Golden candlestick (only light--Christ)

5. Table of shewbread (Christ, the bread of life)

6. Entrance---pillars of wood; sockets of brass (5) Ex.26;37,37

Note: The robe in which Jesus was tried and went to Calvary.

. He was mocked before Herod and Pilate in a scarlet robe.

. This scarlet was created by crushing a partcular worm and the

. color became indelible after being dipped twice.

. The scarlet robe mocked his prophetic office.

. He wore a white and silver robe belonging to Herod, a beautiful robe.

. The white robe mocked his priesthood. He spoke no word.

. John 19:1-4: He wore the purple robe mocking His Kingship.

. The fourth color of the tabernacle vail is blue. Christ wore no blue

. rode as none could deny His heavenly office.

Tabernacle in the Old Testament:

I. As a christian (The Body---God dwells in body of the believer just as He did in the Tabernacle.

John 14.17-23 - where God is tabernacled we can meet with Him. Moses met with God in the tabernacle

A. 1 Cor 6.19-20

B. 2 Cor 5.1

C. 2 Cor 6.16

II. As a church

A. 1 Cor 12.12

B. Eph 2.19-20 Eph 5:30-31

C. Revelation 1.12-20

D. John 15.1; [[Revelation 19.7-9

III. As a Heavenly Pattern

A. Heb 4.14-16

B. Heb 8.5

C. John 1.14

IV. As Christ Priest

A. Heb 4.14-16 Heb 10.20

B. Heb 9.24-28 Heb 10.19

C. 1 Tim 2.5

The Tabernacle fence:

Exodus 27.9-15

Size of the fence: 150 X 75 X 7 1/2

I. Fence as mediator

Mediator is under bond to offer something that will satisfy and draw together both parties.

A. 1 Tim 2.5

B. Heb 8.6

C. Heb 12.24

II. Brass used in pillars of the fence. Brass = judgment

A. Isaiah 29.6 Isaiah 28.2Isaiah 30.30

B. Num 21.8-9

C. Rev 1.15

III. Silver used in the pillars of the fence. Silver = atonement

(Note: The foundation was also made of silver

and silver was the type of salvation

and that by blood,

so it had to have a blood base.)

IV. As pillar in the church

A. Church pillars 1 Tim 3.15

B. Individual pillars Gal 2.9 & Rev 3.12

V. Linen pictures the righteousness.

Note: Flax grew by the rivers in Egypt,

hung on a wooden cross to dry after being flayed.

Jesus was whipped. Lev 6.10 [[Rev 15.6 Rev 19.8-9

Amen for us.

VI. The linen curtains tied to one another

by the silver hooks that were in the posts.

This means that we are joined to the Lord

and to one another by the Righteousness of Jesus Christ.


"He that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit." 1 Cor 6:17 1 Corinthians 6

The church is subject unto Christ.

"We are members of His body,

of His Flesh, of His bones." Eph 5:30 Ephesians 5

Note: When a sinner comes close to the Tabernacle

he should see, cords pulled tight,

brass pins driven deep,

brass shining, silver gleaming,

linen spotless white, all joined together,

each holding up his part, close to the Lord, pointing to the gate.

What man needs is a righteousness

that will meet the demands of God's Holiness.

The sinner must be made to be as good as Jesus

to stand in the presence of God.

The Gate of the Court:

References: Ex 27.16; John 10.1-12; Psalms 118:.19-20

I. The three fours in this gate.

A. Four works of Jesus that He gives to us

when we come through his gate

1 Cor 1.30 But of him are ye in Christ Jesus,

who is of God is made unto us

wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption

B. The four pillars mean His four sonships:

  • 1. The son of David. Matt 1:1 Heir to the throne Luke 1:32
  • 2. As the son of Abraham, He is the promised seed. Gal 3:16
  • 3. In Mark He is the promised Son of Man. Mark 2:10
    • a. As such he has power to judge. Jn 5:26-27; Ac 16:31
    • b. As the son he has the power to forgive sins on earth.

4. In John He is Son of God, God the Son, God the Word, God the

Creator, God in the flesh, God the Light, and as Thomas, My Lord,

and my God. Amen for me too!

C. The four gospels were here included.

II. The four colors and their meaning.

  • A. White---Perfection and Righteousness
  • B. Scarlet--Blood or sacrifice
  • C. Purple--Royalty or Kingly colors
  • D. Blue---Heaven, His home and ours someday

III. The four gospels

  • A. Matthew--corresponds to the color or the King
  • B. Mark-----corresponds to the suffering servant (scarlet)
  • C. Luke-----corresponds to the white, the spotless man
  • D. John-----corresponds to blue, the heavenly man

IV. Four groups in that day and now also:

  • A. The Jews, who were the religious crowd in that day.
  • B. The Romans, that were in power in that day.
  • C. The Greeks, that gave the perfect language(the intellectuals)
  • D. The Believers, the little group.


  • A. Son of David the kingdom
  • B. Son of Abraham the covenant
  • C. Son of Man the crucified
  • D. Son of God the kinsman

VI. Four Paths

A. Path to the throne Incarnation

B. Path to the covenant Promise

C. Path to the Cross Humiliation

D. Path to the redemption The Blood

VII. Sons by:

A. Son of David by Birth

B. Son of Abraham by Promise

C. Son of man by Choice

D. Son of God by Eternal generation

Aaron's Rod that Budded:

Numbers 16. For the purpose of establishing the priesthood of Aaron against all controversy.

Christ will be a priest forever.

Rod budded --- Life out of death.

Golden Crown Around the Top of the Ark:

The kinship of Jesus:





John 12; John 19:14; Psalms 2; Rev 19:16

Mercy Seat:

Lid of the ark. Made of pure gold, solid gold. Each end a figure of cherubims.

All in one piece.

Lid of gold set in a grove and fit the ark perfectly.

It is here that God meets man's representative, on the mercy seat.

It is a distinct symbol of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Rom 3:25

Propitiation---Mercy Seat Only place sinner can meet God is at the mercy seat

We meet Jesus at the throne, we meet in Jesus' throne.

The mercy seat was all that could be seen.

No man hath seen God at any time (except the Son).

He sat down at the right hand side of God.

The manna, the rod, the all-- all in the ark: mercy seat covers it all.

The blood over all.

This is under the blood. Hebrews 10.19-20. The same thing that happened in heaven

is what happens to us when we are saved.

The Brazen Alter:

1. Exodus 27:1-8

A. Sweet savor Leviticus 1.3 Leviticus 1.9

B. Burnt offering Ephesians 5.2

C. Place of sacrifice Hebrews 9.25-28

D. Place of death John 19.33-34

E. Place of blood Hebrews 9.12

F. Place of fire Leviticus 1.8

G. Place to eradicate sin 2 Corinthians 5.21

H. Place to put away iniquity Isaiah 53.5

I. Place to find peace Romans 5.1

J. Place of decision Leviticus 1.3

K. Place to meet God Leviticus 1.5

L. Place of salvation John 19.30

II. The One offering Hebrews 9.25-28 Romans 3.23-28

III. Shittim wood = Humanity

Brass = Judgment

IV. Ashes in pan, blood on ground(*), substitute on fire, boards in brass. 2 Corinthians 5.7

Note: Blood stained:

(1) The alter Protected from judgment

(2) The ground Protected from hell

(3) The top of lintel (above door--heavenward)

Allowed God to view Person through Christ's blood

(4) The right side of door post

Protected from the evils of the surrounding world.

(5) the left side of the door post

Protected from evils of the surrounding world.

Five blood stains (5 = grace)

V. Christ our eternal inheritance. Hebrews 9.11-15

The Alter:

I. Exodus 27:1-8

A. Its position

B. Its importance Lev 1:9; Heb 9:12; Eph 5:2

C. Its purpose II Cor 5:20-21; Heb 9:26-28

D. Its accomplishment for us Rev 1:5; John 1:29; John 14:16, 18, 26

The Laver:

I. Exodus 30:17-21

A. What was made of -- mirrors of the women-- shined brass

B. Its position in relation to other parts.

C. Its symbolic type of the written word. James 1:23-25

D. Are we washed in the Word of God?

Because this is the meaning here. Eph 5:25-26

E. Cleansing word applied. John 15:3

F. Washing of the laver. Titus 3:5

G. Jesus and Nicodemus. John 3

H. Wash that they die not. Ex 30:21

A washed and confessed Christian Psalms 24:3-4; I John 1:7-10.

A Christian must take a bath everyday in the Word of God or die.

The table of shewbread:

The table of Shewbread occupied the north side of Holy Place.

1. Constructed of shittim wood--indestructible humanity.

2. Overlaid with gold---deity.

3. On top we see 12 loaves of bread-

-6 in a row Christ--sufficient for all.

4. Bread was to be renewed every Sabbath.

Eating by the priests in the Holy Place.

We, as Christians, are kings and priests to God, and feed on Christ.

The table and bread are consider as one unit.

5. The table within the tabernacle

was the center of union between the priestly family.

A. We are spiritual priests. 1 Peter 2:5

B. As spiritual priests there is only one common union between us--Christ

C. The table was the center of nourishment for the priestly family.

The shewbread their divinely appointed food. Lev 24:9

D. The loves set forth Christ as the bread of life.

Those who eat will never die.

EAT--Appropriate to one's self.

E. When we are saved we do not stop eating.

We do not stop until death.

He is our strength and might.

F. How do we get the bread?

Made of flour that is ground between the upper and nether mill stone.

Upper--the hand of God

Lower--the hand of man.

The Table of Shewbread: (continued)

I. Ex 25:23-30; Lev 24:5-9; Num 4:7-8

A. Located on the north side, made of incorruptible wood,

covered with pure gold.

Human and divine side of Christ.

B. Table and shewbread are to be considered as one.

He upheld the Jews and he holds the Church.

Perfect support. Amen. 1 Con 10:17; 2 Con 11:24.

We rest upon Him. ________

C. The table is the center of union for the priests only. Lev 24:9;Rev 1:6;

I Peter 2:5; Heb 13:5.

D. The table was the center of daily nourishment for the priest's family only.

Lev 24:9; John 6:33; John 4:48-51. A thing grows by what it feeds on.

This bread was ground between the upper and lower millstones.

Frankincence was placed upon it before it was eaten, Thank you.

E. The table was in the center of fellowship for priestly family only,

no other place to gather, no other bread to eat, and no other reason to meet.

All other gatherings are false

and all other reasons for meeting are false.

Note: Here the priest came together. Here they found unity.

Here they came into close and happy union with others.

They came into close union with one another,

because they were gathered at the same table, eating the same bread,

to have harmony in the assembly of Christ.

It is necessary to be occupied with him.

Only as we get close to Christ do we get close to one another.

Let a Church be taken up with Christ,

with the Glory of His eternal past,

the wonder of His redeeming in heaven now,

and the assurance of His eminent coming.

Let a Church think Christ, talk Christ, love Christ, and serve Christ.

Where each shall have the same mind,

the mind of Christ, be at one in Christ,

where you live like this then that church will have her fruit of the Spirit.

Fruit of the Spirit: Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

meekness, temperance:

against such there is no law. Gal 5:22

II. Table of shewbread---eating of:

Eaten only after the priest had come by:

A. Brazen alter--judgment

B. Laver--cleansing

C. Under the veil (righteousness, linen, separation)

D. Candlestick(Jesus is The Light)

E. Table of shewbread (fed by fullness of God through Christ, seed)

II. The golden candlestick was made of beaten gold: Implications of beating gold:

A. As to Christ-- John 1.9

He was the true light.

"I am the light of the world" John 9.5

God is light 1 John 1.5

B. Beaten by friends.

C. Beaten by the Sanhedrin

D. Beaten by Satin

E. Hammered by God

Nails driven in his hands and nails driven in his feet } all

of the above in Gods will.

III. Oil for Candlestick Exodus 27.20-21 Exodus 25.38

A. Oil is for anointing. Leviticus 24.1-4

B. Light is to burn forever. Exodus 27.20

C. Beaten oil by children Exodus 27.20; Isiah 53.10

D. Church the reincarnation. Revelation 1.20; 2 Corinthians 3.6

IV. Light's Burning dependent upon two things:

A. Our attendance on the light.

B. Keeping it clean. Soot was removed everyday.

Note: How to grow-- 1 Peter 2.2; Romans 12.1-2; Ephesians 5.8

The children of Israel had to extract the oil and then apply it.

They had to carry the oil to the candlestick and fill the stick themselves.

We also carry the Holy Spirit wherever we go.

Christ is depending upon us by Holy Spirit to keep the light burning.

May the Lord help us here to have some real deduction here for the rest or our lives,

O Lord help us to think at the right time for we only have one time to do this work. Amen.

V. Position of the candlestick:

On the south: opposite the table of shewbread.

VI. Material:

Beaten pure gold

VII. Design of the candlestick:

One center shaft, three arms on each side = 7 (perfection)

Seven points concerning the candlestick:

1. Both light and light bearer--gave light, held up light.

2. Perfect symbol of Christ. John 1.9

3. Moral and spiritual light. God--man

4. Only light in the tabernacle. Priests walked, ate, worked, served in and by this


5. A constant testimony to the priest that they must not walk by natural light;

rather only in light provided by God.

6. In order to escape the light priest had to leave the Tabernacle.

7. The more preist walked in natural sunlight the less they could see inside

the Tabernacle. The more they walked in the Tabernacle by his light the less

they were able to stand the dazzling of the sunshine of the world.

(The brighter the light of Jesus grows in us, the dimmer must grow the lights

of this world)

Notice the seven branches and their joining together.

Before a church can be successful it must be joined to Christ.

The Alter of Incense:

Size: Four square (2 cubits high, 1 cubit wide, 1 cubit long)

Materials: Incorruptible shittim wood overlaid with gold

Design: One horn in each corner

Crown of gold

Ring of gold in each corner

Two staves, placed directly in front of the veil

Tallest piece of furniture in Tabernacle

Held burning coals

Sweet incense burnt morning and evening

Symbol and prayer Psalm 141.2; Revelation 5.8

Prayer and worship is the activity of a redeemed people.

Prayer and worship is the action of the new nature.

The true expression of prayer in Christ.

Continued: Altar of Incense

Position: Before the cheurbims. Incense before gold. Ex 30:1-10

Ex 30:34-36; Lev 16:13 (Worship Chapter)


Our prayer (see design) in heaven Rev 8:3

Christ--as priest

Aaron--as type of Christ. Heb 9:24; Jn. 17:9; Heb 8:1

Christ's prayer on this earth. Luke 22:32; Jn 17:1-26;

Matt 26:36-46

Christ's work beyond the grave. (Intercession)

I Cor 15:16-17; Heb 7:25; Rom 8:34; Heb 9:24; Heb 4:14

Ex 30:10

Mercy seat--Halasterion--Covering Ex 25:17-22;

Solid gold--pure deity.

Cherubim kneeling. Propitiation Rom 3:25; I Jn 4:10;

Luke 18:13; I Jn 2:1-2

Day of atonement--Lev 4:7; Heb 9:12


Ye shall be baptized with (in) the Holy Ghost not many days hence. Acts 1:5

On the day of Pentecost while the apostles and disciples (all Jews) were gathered

the Holy Ghost fell on them. (Those baptized believers already had the Holy Ghost)

They all spoke in another tongue (or another language) wherein they were born.

Not an unknown tongue at all, but in common language

that they were born and then it names all the languages used there.

A goodly number. This was a prophecy fulfilled that day and prophesied by Joel.

In Acts 2:32 this Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses.

Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted,

and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this,

which ye now see and here. To shed fourth is to pour out.

The out pouring of the Holy Spirit and giving the Comforter

were widely distinct from one another,

they are as far apart as the East is from the West.

The out pouring is a promise of the Father.

The promise of the Comforter was made by the Son previous to his death.

The promise of the outpouring at Pentecost was made eight hundred years before our Lord was born.

The promise of the Comforter was made directly and individually by the Lord Himself.

The promise of Pentecost was made by the Father through Joel and that is spoken by the prophet Joel.

Acts 2:16 Note: The Holy Spirit came upon them (from the outside).

He sat upon them,

we are born with the Spirit and by the Spirit, Born Again.

Court Fence:

I. Ex 27:9-19; Ex 38:9-17

II. 175 feet long; 87 1/2 feet wide

Held up by 60 pillars; 20 on each side 10 on each end Fence made of white linen

Eastern end had 4 pillars that formed the gate of the entrance into the court.

The camp outside was the dwelling of man

The tabernacle inside the fence was the dwelling of God

The court fence occupied a definite position between God and man

Jesus, the dividing line between God and man

The court fence so divided the people that there were only two people:

Those who had access to the tabernacle. In Christ.

Those that did not have access to the tabernacle. In sin.

The only difference between those on the inside and the ones on the outside

is their relation to the fence (not morals)

Fence---Christ as mediator I Tim 2:5; Heb 8:6


A mediator is one who takes an office between two parties

A go between.

One who must offer something to satisfy both parties.

In satisfying the claims of each the mediator becomes one who reconciles

Christ----Mediator in these aspects

Linen Fence:

1. Tops of silver.

2. Bottom of brass.

3. Between atonement and judgement is the white linen which speaks of righteousness.

4. Perfect righteousness that will stand the test of judgement

Not man's righteousness. Isa 46:6.

5.Christ's righteousness. This same righteousness keeps people out

unless they come through the door.

6. Man cannot enter by morals.

Stops and some conditions in the wilderness:

1. Passover- redemption Ex 12:1-8

2. Succoth--First step to Canaan Ex 13:20

3. Etham- Here the pillar of fire came to guide them Ex 13:20

4. Baal-Zephon means Lord of the north Ex 14:2

The last step before the Red Sea.

5. The Red Sea Ex 14:29

Resutlts in chapter 15. The song of the redeemed Ex 1:21

6. Wilderness of Shur (a wall)Your cannot go back to Egypt. Ex 15:22

7. Marah (bitter waters) Tree cast into the waters made the waters sweet--

the cross of the Lord is pictured for us.

There are many bitter waters when we begin our walk with the Lord to Canaan,

but the cross and the Lord makes them all sweet.

8. Elim Seventy palm trees and 12 wells of sweet water.

What a pity that some stop at Marah or in the wilderness of Shur

when a little more effort they could have made it to Elim.

God helps us to not stop before the waters are made sweet to us.

Is the Lord Jesus sweet to you now?

9. Wilderness of Sin Ex 16:1 Exo 16:13-30

Bread, quails, Sabbath

10. Rephidim - No water Ex 17:1-2

Smite the rock "Water" Christ smitten and the water and the blood came forth.

At this time came Amalek. Ex 17:8

11. Sinai Ex 19:1 Grace traded for law. Ex 19:8 Law given. Ex 20:1-17

NOTE: Now they had to have the tabernacle

Alter of Incense:

Ex 30:1-10; Ex 30:34-36

I. The incense is a type of prayer, especially the high priestly prayer of Jesus in John 17.

Christ is the highest example of prayer.

The altar of incense was the highest place in the Holy Place.

Importance of prayer.

Crown--Christ interceding as King

II. This way the last piece in the tabernacle before the curtain that

separated man and God. This was the last prayer that Jesus prayed

before He went to the cross. It is the tallest piece in the tabernacle.

III. Incense our prayers. Rev 5:8; Rev 8:3-5

IV. They were to burn incense every morning and every evening. Where

do you and I pray and do we have a set time.

V. Aaron as a type of Christ praying for me. John 17; Heb 9:24;

Heb 8:1; John 17:9; Luke 22:32

VI. His intercessory prayers now. Rom 8:34; Heb 9:24; I John 1:7

VII. Christ's work beyond the grave. Ex 30:10; I Cor 15:17; Ex 30:8

Heb 7:25; Heb 8:1-2

VIII. The importance of these prayers. Lev 16:12-14

IX. Our prayers now and then for all time. Rev 8:3; John 14:6

X. Prayers Ps 139:22-23


1. Covering of fine white linen

2. Goat hair woven together

3. Ram skin dyed red

4. Badger skin
