Catholic Bible Replaces God's Word in Famous Tract
Catholic Mass - A Mystical Powerhouse
Catholic Persecution in Mexico
Catholics and the Bible
Catholics Do Worship the Virgin Mary
Dedication Page of the book 50 Years in the Church of Rome
Forbidden Books
How a Pope Gave Ireland to England
Inquisition in Canada?
Inquisition: Its Object, Proceedings and History, The
Is Catholicism Christian?
Jesuitical Oath for the Priesthood, The
List of Heresies, A
Mary Worship
Mother and Child Worship
Papal Heresy, The
Persecution in Quebec
Popery Opposed To The Bible
Popish Baptisms On The Sly
Relics Exposed
Relics and Saints
Vatican Condemns Literal Interpretation of the Bible
Visit of the Pope, The
Why Does the Roman Catholic Church Hate Anabaptists?
Why There is No Unity in Canada