Acceptable Faith

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Acceptable Faith

Text: Hebrews 11:


A. Briefly view verses 1 to 3.

B. Everyon exercises faith in someone and in some. things.

1. Faith is natural to a rational mind.

2. Faith Is natural to the born-again spirit.

C. Faith is ore easily understood when seen than when he

D. There is cceptable faith and there is unacceptable faith, G nesis 4:1-7.

1. Cain' sacrifice was unacceptable, because it manifi sted faith in himself, his own works.

a. e would be his own savior.

b. this he was like many in our generation.

c. ey wish to be their own god and savior. This is ism,

d. ey worship gods of their own creation.

2. Abel's' faith was acceptable, because it was in God.


A. He made his offering unto God.

1. In fai ,believing that God had provided, and would reveal in time, His sacrifice for sin.

2. In ob dience to the divinely prescribed way.

a. G d has never left it to men to devise their own w y of worship.

b. e most costly offerings willnot suffice for obedi- e ce to the divine prescription (cf I Samuel 1 :22.)

3. In sin erity. All the other elements of worship may be in ord r, but without sincerity it is mere sham and hypoc isy.

a. G d can be worshiped only in spirit and in truth, J hn 4:24.

b. e sacrifice of the wicked is abomination: how m ch more, when he bringeth it with a wicked d?" Proverbs 21:27.

c. C Isaiah 1:13-15 and Matthew 6:5

B. Abel's sa rifice was acceptable because by it he acknowle ged:


- 4-1. His si I before God;

2. That e deserved death as just punishment for his sin;

3. That nly by the death of the sinless One can a man be sa ed.


A. Faith is a state of mind. It cannot be seen except as it is mani ested:

1. In an cceptable form of worship, or

2. In ace ptable works motivated by faith in God.

B. By his sa rifice Abel testified that:

1. God d provided the Sacrifice to put away sin;

2. Salvaton is by the suffering and death of the Divine Perso ;

3. "With t shedding of blood is no remission [forgiv ness]", Hebrews 9:22.

C. Abel's sa rifice was acceptable because by it he indicated full and complete faith in God and His plan of s vation.

D. Abel's sa rifice was acceptable because by it he indicated full and complete surrender and obedienc to God.


A. "He obt eel witness [assurance] that he was righteous" vs 4 (cf Romans 4:5).

1. Today, many deny that a person can know that he is saved.

2. Abel ew that he was saved. He knew in the same way t t all believers may know.

a. H knew that he was a guilty sinner.

b. H knew that God was able to save him.

c. H knew that God saves all who repent and trust H'

d. H knew that he had repented and trusted God.

e. H believed and claimed God's promise.

3. This e Abel peace, assurance and stability in life.

4. It gav him the "evidence" that he was righteous, verses and 4.

a. He was not righteous by his works.

b. He was made righteous by the cleansing blood of th .Lamb of God (cf I John 1:7). -5 -ead the words of the hymn, "Nothing But the lood,"by Robert Lowry.

B. "God [t tified] of his gifts."

1. God ccepted his sacrifice.

2. Beca se it was a token of repentance, faith, surrender and bedience.

C. "Byit h being dead yet speaketh."

1. He s eaks through the inspired Record of his faith.

2. By acceptable sacrifice,Abel's faith continues to be ce of inspiration and encouragement for people st God.

D. A reward of Abel's acceptable faith was death t the hands of his jealous brother. Evaluat on:

1. Cain proved himself unrighteous, unacceptable.

2. He b ame a wanderer, an exile, always fearful for his life.

3. Abel left an age-long testimony to his faith.

4. By faith, Abel is still preaching, and souls are still eing saved.

Abel went to be with the Savior whom he trusted. Whi brother was the wiser, the real winner?


5. 6.


A. Salvati has always been "bygrace through faith" in the " b of God."

1. Abel exercised such faith.

2. He ve acceptable expression to it.

3. He as rewarded with peace and security.

B. Faith s ill is the only acceptable way to obtain salvatio . -