X Factor in Faith

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X Factor in Faith

Text: Hebrews 11.3


A. This seri has presented a lot of information about faith.

1. many men and women have accomplished by faith.

2. Some f the rewards of faith.

B. Those wi h faith also have their trials, Hebrews 11:35-38.

C. There many "X" (unknown and unappreciated by the Heving world) factors in faith.

1. It is virtually impossible to explain the works, steadf tness and perseverance of men and women of faith.

2. The cked world has tried various, sundry and cruel o destroy the faith of God's people.

3. They ften have succeeded in destroying the person (his b dy), but never have they destroyed his faith.

4. Witne s the persecutions of: a J seph by his jealous brothers,

b. e three Hebrew children confronted with the fi ry furnace,

c. D .el and the prospects of being thrown to the li ns,

d. . ions of unnamed Christians during the Dark es.

D. The Spiri within these sustained them during their cruel an unusual trials. The same Spirit sustains the faith W today.

E. Our he of faith for today is Isaiah, the son of Amoz, I ah 1:1.

1. He pr phesied in Jerusalem to the people of Judah.

2. He p phesied during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

I. THE PROP ! T'S CALL,Isaiah 8:1-8.

A. He saw vision of the Lord and His glory, vs 1.

1. Seraphi over the throne, each having six wings, vs 2.

2. They ribed holiness to God, vs 3.

B. Effect of the vision, vs 5. Isaiah saw himself:

1. U~lean and undone, and dwelling in the midst of an un lean people.

2. Th,_re is a comparable effect upon all who get a clear vi !w of the Lord and of His holiness. Compare:

a. Simon Peter, Luke 5:8;

b. Saul of Tarsus, Acts 9:4.

C. Isaiah s confession brought forth cleansing, verses 6 and

D. Then e surrendered for service, vs 8.

E. Then d now, the world marvels at the ·X· factor in fai ; they cannot understand it.

II. THE PRO HET'SPEOPLE, Isaiah 1:1-15.

A. They ad less respect for God than the ox and the donk y had for their masters, vs 3.

B. The e tire nation was sick from head to foot, verses 4-6.

C. Their worship was abominable, vs 13.

D. Their hands were bloody and their prayers were un ered, vs 15.

E. This i descriptive of all who lack the ·X· factor of faith their lives.


A. Predi ted the captivity of Judah, but left them with hope of restoration of a remnant under Cyrus, Isai 44:28.

B. Pred~. ted the virgin birth of the Messiah, Isaiah 7:14.

C. Fore ld the blessings of the Millennial Kingdom, Isai~ 65:18-25; 2:4.

D. 1sai~,sproPheCies spanned many centuries in their fulfil ment.

1. B t the X factor in faith enabled him to speak them . full confidence.

2. The Xfactor of faith enables men and women of faith t day to confidently believe that all Bible prophecy will

b fulfilled exactly as spoken.


A. Not ng certainly is known about the end ofIsaiah's eart .y life.

B. Trad tion concerning his death is interesting.

1. He was ~1ainby King Manasseh in his zeal to stamp out the ,orship of the true God in Judah.

2. That he was sawn asunder. It is possible that Hebrews 11:37 is reference to his martyrdom.

C. Tradition is unreliable, and the Bible is silent about the prophe 's death.

1. But we be certain that he died trusting God.

2. For, He ossessed the "X"factor in his faith. Conclusion:

A. Isaiah ran as one of the truly great heroes of the faith.

B. All who w Christ in salvation may become a hero of the faith.

1. Cannot eclare prophecies as did Isaiah, but can declare e word of God spoken by the prophets and the othe~ inspired writers of the Bible.

2. Can senle the Lord as directed by the Bible.

3. All who sincerely serve the Lord are heroes of the faith.

C. Heroes will receive a hero's welcome and reward.
