Encouraging Faith

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Encouraging Faith

by O H Griffith

Text: Hebrews 11:2


A. The faith of God's children encourages others
1. Elisha' faith encouraged his servant 2 Kings 6.16-17
2. Paul's faith encouraged the people on a sinking ship Acts 2.21-25
3. The brethren at Rome encouraged Paul Acts 28.15
B. Joseph was a man with firm, convictions and a great faith
C. A bit of background on Joseph
1. The son of Jacob's beloved wife, Rachel, Genesis 30.22-24
2. Specially loved of his father Genesis 37.3
3. Aroused the jealousy and hatred of his brothers Genesis 37.4-11
4. His brothers plotted to kill him,
but opted to sell him into slavery Genesis 37.19-28


A. Consider the changed conditions under which he now lived:
1. Instead of the favored son of a wealthy sheik,
he is the slave of an Egyptian army officer
2. Instead of wearing a beautiful and expensive coat,
he is dressed in the coarse garb of a slave
3. Instead of receiving favors, he is dispensing favors
and never receives so much as a kind "thank you" in response
B. What will he do under these conditions?
1. Will he fight back and try to get revenge,
complaining that the world handed him a "bum deal"?
2. Faith in the living God sustained him.
3. He did right in spite of being wronged (cf Matthew 5.39).
C. Joseph was tested by adversity Genesis 39.1-23
1. His master's wife endeavored to seduce him
2. Joseph resisted because:
a. It would be a sin against himself, 1 Corinthians 6.1
and would jeopardize his health
b. It would be a sin against his master
and would jeopardize job
3. It would be a sin against God
and would jeopardize his eternal rewards
4. For doing right, he was put in prison
a. There he was placed in irons, Psalm 105.17-18
b. was forgotten by a fellow inmate whom he had helped Genesis 40.23
D. His faith in God was all he had left
1. Betrayed by his brothers
2. Lied by a wicked woman
3. Forgotten by a friend
E. But God had not forsaken him (cf Proverbs 18.24).
God intervened
1. Cause Pharaoh to have a dream, two in fact
2. This resulted in Joseph being taken from prison
and appointed Prime Minister of Egypt


A. Contrast the condition of Joseph and that of his brothers
1. Joseph was suffering rejection, enslavement and imprisonment
2. His brothers were tormented with guilt, fear and stricken consciences
B. A chance to get vengeance.
1. Famine in Canaan sends his brothers to Egypt for grain
2. Joseph recognized them, indeed probably expected them,
but they did not recognize him
a. Had they been looking for him they would have searched among the slave-gangs
b. They certainly did not expect him to be ruler of Egypt
C. Faith in God's eternal purpose kept Joseph from getting vengeance
on his brothers. Instead:
1. He returned good for evil to his brothers.
2. He moved them to Egypt so he could "nourish" them.
3. He freely forgave them all the wrongs they had done him, Genesis 50.15-21


A. While they did evil to sell him into slavery, Genesis 45,5-8
God overruled:

1. That oseph be in position, "To preserve you a poster ty in the earth," 2. "And 0 save your lives by a great deliverance," Genes 45:7. B. His fathe 'sfamily moved to Egypt. 1. They ere settled in Goshen, the best Egypt offered for th ir vocation. 2. Josep said, there "I will nourish thee," vs 11. C. Previousl Jacob's sons had carried him ill news, now they carry him good news: 1. "We ve found Joseph alive and well; 2. "He is uler of Egypt, and 3. "He w ts us to move to Egypt." D. Joseph's ,aith encouraged his people to claim the promises f God to their fathers, Genesis 50:24. E. Claiming hese promises, he pledged them to carry his bones to Canaan and bury them there, Genesis 50:25. IV. JOSEPH'S F TH ENCOURAGEDHIM WHEN DYING. A. Leaving anaan and going to Egypt,was a painful experien e for him. B. But lea . g Egypt and going to heaven was a pleasant xperience. Conclusion: A. Your fait will be tested, but God gives strength for enduring, I Corinthians 10:13. B. Faith in God enables one to be forgiving and helpful to those who have wronged him. C. Your fait should encourage others, does it? D. Can you ford to live, and to die by your faith? "My faith has ound a resting place-Not in devices nor creed: It t the Everlasting One--His wounds for me shall lead." --Author unknown. - 17 -
