The Tabernacle Page 1

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The Tabernacle Index - - The Tabernacle Page 2

Materials Used:

1. Gold----------------------------Deity

2. Silver--------------------------Atonement

3. Brass---------------------------Judgment

4. Blue----------------------------Heavenly

5. Purple--------------------------Royalty

6. Scarlet-------------------------Blood

7. Fine Linen----------------------Righteousness

8. Goat's hair---------------------Substitution

9. Ram's skin----------------------Blood of consecration

10. Badger skin--------------------Humility

11. Shittim wood-------------------Imperishability

12. Oil----------------------------Holy Spirit

13. Sweet incense------------------Intercession

14. Onyx stone---------------------Glory

. Note: 14 = number of Salvation; 2 x 7 = 14; 2 = union;

. 7 = perfection: We are united to God through Christ

Tabernacle a type of:

1. Jesus Christ

2. Believer

3. Church

Tabernacle may be studied in four different ways:

1. As described

2. As constructed

3. As set up(God to man) Divine order John 14:16

4. As one would approach it. (No external beauty)

. The Tabernacle gives us a revelation of divine grace.

. The Tabernacle gives us a revelation of divine order.

. Grace that God should condescend to dwell among man.

. Order that nothing should be done in His name by guess, will or plan of man,

. but according to His pattern, His will, His plan.

. Paul says, "Let everything be done decently and in order."

This Tabernacle which God so minutely instructed to be erected in the wilderness

is a picture and prophecy of the man in whom God would become incarnate.

The man who should be His eternal dwelling place.

This man is Christ: John 1:14; Heb.2:14-16; 1 Tim.3:16;

Heb.1:3; Titus 2:13; Col.1:16; 1 Tim.2:5; Heb.8:1.

As we study the Tabernacle

you will find in every detail of its inspired construction

of the finished work and resplendent glory of our soon coming Lord.

The Tabernacle Page 2