The Tabernacle Page 2

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The Tabernacle Page 1 - - The Tabernacle Page 4 page 3 is blank


1. Length = 30 cubits 45 feet

2. Height = 10 cubits 15 feet

3. Width = 10 cubits 15 feet


1. 48 boards of Shittim wood

2. 20 boards each side

3. 6 boards across the back

4. 2 corner boards (Each board was covered in pure gold and has two tenants)

(fingers at the bottom of each board that fit into two sockets of silver)

1. Weight 90 pounds each

2. 100 sockets of silver

3. 96 boards

4 4 under the pillars for the vale

. Boards held in place by:

. 1. 15 wooden bars (covered in gold)

. 2. 5 on the north

. 3. 5 on the south 5 = Grace 3 = Trinity

. 4. 5 on the west Trinity (3) x Grace (5) = Rest (15)

Tabernacle in three parts

1. Holy Place

2. Most Holy Place

3. Outer Court where the people met


15 (rest) cubit square----15 x 15 square (REST)

Between the top were 4 pillars of wood covered with gold. No design on the top.

BASE----4 sockets of silver

Veil of white linen, blue, purple, scarlet.

When the veil was rent

God rent it from the top to the bottom.

VEIL---Christ. Body of Christ. God killed Jesus on the cross.

The most Holy place was completely shut off from the rest of the tabernacle.

There was no door.

The priest had to crawl under the veil to enter into the presence of God.

Furniture in the most Holy Place:

. 1. Ark of the Covenant.

. 2. Mercy seat with overshadowing cheribem.

. 3. Articles contained in the Ark:

. a. Tables of stone (broken law, covered by blood, no works

. b. Aaron's rod that budded (everlasting priesthood)

. c. Golden pot of mana(Food of God for his people)

Holy Place:

1. 20 cubits long----------30 feet

2. 10 cubits wide----------15 feet

3. Golden alter of incense (PRAYER, INTERCESSION)

4. Golden candlestick (only light--Christ)

5. Table of shewbread (Christ, the bread of life)

6. Entrance---pillars of wood; sockets of brass (5) Ex.26;37,37

Note: The robe in which Jesus was tried and went to Calvary.

. He was mocked before Herod and Pilate in a scarlet robe.

. This scarlet was created by crushing a partcular worm and the

. color became indelible after being dipped twice.

. The scarlet robe mocked his prophetic office.

. He wore a white and silver robe belonging to Herod, a beautiful robe.

. The white robe mocked his priesthood. He spoke no word.

. John 19:1-4: He wore the purple robe mocking His Kingship.

. The fourth color of the tabernacle vail is blue. Christ wore no blue

. rode as none could deny His heavenly office.

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